10 Healthy Digestive Foods

To improve digestion, it is important to chew food well. In addition, it is recommended to eat some digestive foods.
10 foods that improve healthy digestion

The health of the digestive system largely depends on the food eaten. Cancers of a lot of sugar, poor quality fat and bleached flour are more likely to suffer from stomach problems. To prevent these problems, we share ten digestive foods in this article.

What can cause poor digestion?

Excessive and too fast eating, fast food and eating during stress can cause digestive problems. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, eating some medications, severe fatigue, and constant stress also adversely affect digestion.

How can poor digestion be prevented?

  • You should focus on eating. It is important to chew the food slowly and let the saliva moisten the food as this will help in swallowing.
  • Eating too fast, doing other things while eating, or severe fatigue and stress can adversely affect digestion and cause stomach problems.
  • Mood directly affects the absorption of nutrients. Disgust or anxiety slows down the activity of digestive enzymes. For this reason, it is also important to pay attention to mental health.
  • Schedule your meal correctly. A late dinner or supper can cause heaviness, swelling, breast replacement, and reflux. Leave four hours between meals and eat the last meal of the day no later than two hours before bedtime.
  • Does hunger strike before bed? In that case, enjoy something light and high in protein, such as skim yogurt, a glass of skim milk, or a small piece of cheese.

10 digestive foods

1. Sauerkraut is a food that improves digestion

Foods containing probiotics, such as sauerkraut, increase the good bacteria in the gut, which improves digestion. Sauerkraut is a great digestive food.

The same goes for the probiotic supplements themselves. Eating them enhances the production of stomach acids involved in digestion. Probiotics contain bacteria that benefit the gut, balance the gut bacteria, and help keep digestion healthy.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Cider vinegar improves well-being for a good reason. Namely, it helps to increase the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which helps to break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

This is  also beneficial for weight loss, and in addition, apple cider vinegar helps relieve reflux as well as irritable bowel syndrome due to all of its beneficial probiotics and amino acids.

3. Mango

Mangoes have been found to help keep good intestinal bacteria alive. According to a recent study by the University of Oklahoma, eating one mango a day could improve bowel health while helping to reduce body fat and control blood sugar.

The nutritional value of mango is excellent. It contains many nutrients and other bioactive compounds that can benefit your health in a number of ways.

4. Kefir is a food that improves digestion

Kefir is a food that improves digestion

Kefir is another food containing probiotics that can improve digestion. In fact, it can even boost resistance.

Kefir is much more acidic than yogurt. It is an excellent food for the gut because it usually has at least ten live and active bacterial strains, while most yogurts typically have only three.

5. Olive oil

Olive oil has long been recommended for digestive well-being. It helps protect against reflux-induced substitution and releases the contents of the stomach slowly and gradually into the duodenum, which prolongs the feeling of satiety.

6. Artichokes are a food that improves digestion

Artichokes contain synarin, an acid that stimulates bile production. This promotes liver function and prevents the formation of gallstones. Overall, artichokes are a natural diuretic, they alleviate the symptoms of a hangover and are high in fiber.

7. Apples

Apples are a food that improves digestion

Apples contain fiber, making them helpful in preventing constipation and controlling bad cholesterol (LDL). In addition, they contain pectin, a soluble fiber that improves digestion and prevents fermentation in the gut.

8. Yogurt is a food that improves digestion

Because of its probiotics, yogurt is one of the best foods to improve digestion. Probiotics are living microorganisms in food, such as bacteria and yeasts. They boost the immune system and help keep the gut bacteria healthy. They help maintain bowel function.

9. Pineapple

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that helps break down difficult-to-digest proteins. Pineapple is also recommended for various intestinal problems, swelling and ulcers.

10. Ginger

This spice root is an excellent digestive enhancer. It enhances the release of enzymes from the pancreas, which prevents heartburn. It is also antibacterial and prevents intestinal bacterial changes, reduces diarrhea and improves intestinal function. As an incubator, it prevents dyspepsia (slow and laborious digestion).


Remember that each person has a different tolerance, so it is better to test the above foods slowly and carefully so that you know which foods are right for you and which are not.

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