6 Pay For Protective And Cleansing Food

Because liver health is vital to the proper functioning of the rest of the body, it is a good idea to include in your diet products that help remove toxic substances from this organ naturally.
6 pay for protective and cleansing food

The liver is one of the most important organs of the human body. It is located in the upper abdomen near the kidneys and intestines.

This body is responsible for regulating most of the body’s chemicals and secreting a substance known as bile. Bile fluid helps transport waste out of the liver and breaks down fats in the small intestine during the digestive process.

This organ processes, breaks down and balances everything that comes from the stomach and intestines. In addition, it handles the process of handling drugs so that the body can benefit from these products without poisoning.

Other liver functions include:

  • conversion of excess glucose to glycogen
  • regulation of amino acid levels in the blood
  • alcohol treatment
  • blood clotting management
  • bilirubin-related purification

It is therefore very important for health in general that the liver is kept in good condition. However, this is an easily achievable goal if you include plenty of cleansing and detoxifying products in your diet.

When should the liver be cleaned?

location of the liver in the body


It is recommended to eat liver protective and cleansing food, one that supports liver health.  In this way, damage and problems to that organ can be prevented.

However, if your diet is not generally healthy, you should be vigilant with symptoms that indicate liver poisoning.

These include the following disorders:

  • nausea after eating fatty foods
  • stomach ache
  • constipation
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • foul-smelling breath, in addition to which there are white spots on the tongue

6 pay for protective food

If the above problems start to persist, try to increase the amount of the following foods in your diet as much as possible.

1. Garlic

Garlic is a cleansing product that strengthens your liver health. This is due to the selenium, arginine, and vitamins B6 and C it contains.

First, selenium, thanks to its antioxidants, helps in the purification process.

Arginine is an amino acid that promotes vascular relaxation. It helps keep blood pressure levels in the liver healthy.

Finally, the fact that vitamin B6 in garlic  is an anti-inflammatory nutrient, while vitamin C has an antioxidant effect on all cells in the body.

2. Grapefruit


enjoy paying for a protective grapefruit

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit that contains a large amount of vitamin C.

In general, it would be ideal to enjoy one grapefruit a day.  If you choose to consume it in the form of juice, remember that it is best to limit the amount of juice to one glass per day (200 ml).

However, the most useful is to drink the juice of one grapefruit fairy tale with water. This way, you avoid getting too much sugar in your body.

If you don’t like the idea of ​​grapefruit juice and water, you can enjoy the juice as part of a green smoothie. This way, you can incorporate grapefruit into your diet in a convenient way.

3. Vegetables

In order to keep your liver healthy and cleanse it of toxins, you should also eat the following vegetables:


Spinach increases the production of bile fluid, which cleanses the bloodstream of toxic substances. It neutralizes the effects of toxic metals, as well as insecticides and other chemicals found in many foods.



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Because this vegetable is rich in antioxidants and soluble fiber, beets activate the liver’s function as a blood purifier.

Broccoli and cauliflower

Both broccoli and cauliflower are part of a group of cabbage varieties and help produce the enzymes needed to remove toxic substances in the body.

4. Avocados

Avocados are rich in glutathione, one of the antioxidants that promote liver cleansing.

In addition, avocados provide the following benefits:

  • Vitamin C: This vitamin helps in the process of fighting cellular oxidation. In addition, it neutralizes free radicals as well as provides protection for liver cells.
  • Vitamins E and K: These two have anti-inflammatory effects in the body.

5. Walnuts


eat nuts

These nuts contain Omega-3 fatty acids and glutathione. In addition, they work in the body to remove and cleanse toxins.

Walnuts also prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver and are involved in the creation of strong cell membranes around the cells of this organ.

However, keep in mind that you should not eat more than five walnuts a day as they are high in calories.

6. Turmeric

Because this spice contains an active ingredient called curcumin, turmeric is widely used in Eastern cultures as  an effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Therefore, it is an ideal product for liver health.

In addition, it helps in the process of cleansing the body as well as regenerating cells. Turmeric also increases bile fluid production.

Clean your liver at least once every six months

Cleaning your liver of toxic substances is something you should include in your routine, and this should be done at least twice a year. The main reason for this is that it is an invaluable organ responsible for a number of functions that enable a person to maintain a good quality of life.

In addition to enjoying more liver-protective and cleansing foods, over-eating unhealthy products such as fried foods and industrially processed products should also be avoided for liver well-being .

If the foods we present in this article are not yet a regular part of your own diet, try adding them to your routine gradually – you won’t regret investing in the well-being of your liver , as your health is guaranteed to be worth it!

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