4 Reasons To Lose Weight After Diet

It is worth remembering that the key to effective weight loss is not to start a diet, but to adopt and stick to a healthy lifestyle.
4 reasons for weight gain after diet

Have you ever experienced the following? You’re going on a strict diet for  three months because you want to get yourself slimmer for the summer or improve your silhouette by dropping a few pounds, and you’ll succeed. So your weight is at the target level and you can be happy. But in a few weeks, you’ll notice that the pounds have come back. What could be the reason for this weight gain?

Maybe the reason is the wrong diet? This time, we’ll talk about the reasons that often cause weight gain after the end of the diet – just at the moment when weight gain seems most unlikely. Keep reading if you’ve ever struggled to maintain a healthy target weight!

1. Skipping meals as a reason for weight gain

Here is a simple example of why meals should never be missed. As summer comes, you will find that your body is not in the condition you would like it to be, and so you decide to start a quick weight loss. To get the results you want, you’ll start following the program you developed yourself – it’s a program that focuses on skipping meals. So you no longer eat dinner, you reduce your breakfast considerably, and then in the middle of the day you eat everything you get your hands on. When you get home in the afternoon, you eat almost nothing.

It takes 10-12 hours every day like this so you don’t eat anything. This puts the body in an alarm state where it starts looking for energy reserves from anywhere. When the body then returns to normal, the exact opposite happens.

The body strives to recover quickly from its energy loss so that it can counterbalance this unpredictable change and prevent the same from happening in the future – resulting in an emergency-like phenomenon. What happens in the body then is not healthy at all. It’s never good to stop eating or reduce food to just two servings a day – your body understands this as a danger, and the result is for your brain to respond accordingly.

2. The dangers of low calorie diets – why should they be avoided?

Too light a diet is the cause of weight gain

In this case, a classic example can be given: a very strict and limited diet in which, despite 5 meals, there is a lot of danger to the body because the nutrition provided to the body is unbalanced. Particularly dangerous are diets in which a person receives less than 1,200 calories a day, or those in which one should eat almost exclusively carbohydrates or protein.

This kind of eating is very dangerous to health. Usually, these diets are followed for only a short time, for example two or three weeks, and it is common for the extra pounds to come back as if by magic once the results (i.e., the ideal weight) are achieved. This happens when you return only a little to your former habits regarding high-calorie foods.

Why are the extra pounds coming back after miracle diets?

Such strict diets lower the body’s glycogen levels, so this element must be found in a source other than food. And do you know where your body finds it? Muscles and cartilage. These areas have the ability to provide a certain amount of energy. By doing this, they also release large amounts of water, minerals and toxic substances as a result of metabolism. Examples of such fluids are urine and uric acid.

When the so-called miracle diets then run out, you have lost weight through the consumption of glycogen accumulated in the liver, and the body has sought energy from the muscles and ligaments and lost water and minerals (which are very important to the body). This deficiency causes the tissues to look for ways to get moisture back quickly,  and when you then return to your normal diet, your body begins to accumulate fat and calories. That’s why the pounds you lost in the past return in such a quick amount of time – miracle diets really aren’t as effective as might be claimed!

3. The importance of a healthy diet

healthy food as a barrier to weight gain

If a diet has made you feel better, why should it be forgotten?  Many times we try to fight weight gain by sticking to eating habits that are very unhealthy. For example, eating fats, sweets or industrial foods can increase the amount of cholesterol in your body and contribute to high blood pressure and other diseases that are very harmful to heart health.

So keep in mind that if you want to avoid weight gain, you should stick to a diet that you’ve found to be good in the past. However, this does not mean that you could never afford sweets, a piece of cake or some other similar unhealthy food.  If you know you’re going for a walk later and you’re going to burn excess calories, you can safely eat something unhealthy every now and then, even if weight loss is an important goal for you.

In general, if you want to lose weight healthily,  it is always best to consult a nutritionist before starting a diet. Sometimes it can be that certain foods are not suitable for the human body, and certain combinations of foods are not always good. Of course, it would always be important to always listen and understand your own body. When you find something that works well to help you maintain your health and lose weight, you may want to include this type of product in your diet over a longer period of time.

4. Changes in daily routine – effect on weight gain


This is normal. One of the most common reasons for weight gain is a change in lifestyle  or something else in your life that makes you gain extra pounds. Examples of such situations are the following very common things:

  • You’ve just lost a few pounds, but your workplace is undergoing  a change in schedules, which also means that the habits and routines of your own life are changing. In a short amount of time, you may be able to regain the extra pounds you just lost.
  • You are having problems in your relationship.
  • You feel increasingly anxious about problems at home or at work.
  • You’ve managed to lose an extra pound before the start of summer, but  on holiday then you allow yourself to relax  and eagerly visit the bars and parties. As a result, you may be able to quickly regain the pounds you have hardly shed.

To avoid losing pounds, follow our guidelines for healthy weight loss and management; they allow you to achieve and stay true to your goals without compromising your health!

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