Interview With Rocío Gil Redondo: Skin Care And The Latest Skin Rejuvenation Techniques

In the next interview, Rocío Gil Redondo, a Spanish dermatologist, will tell us more about the latest skin rejuvenation techniques and skin care methods that we should all consider in our daily routine.
Interview with Rocío Gil Redondo: Skin Care and the Latest Skin Rejuvenation Techniques

The skin is the largest organ in our body. It is almost two meters in diameter, and its main purpose is very simple: to protect us from sunlight, temperatures and bacteria, among other things, and to keep us hydrated. Our skin allows us to feel and experience, and it is a channel of quite exceptional feelings, but it also requires care.

We all dream of perfect and healthy skin because beautiful skin is an important part of physical beauty. This is why we are constantly looking for new ways and techniques to achieve and maintain younger, more elastic and brighter skin. However, the skin conceals much more than just its physical appearance.

Atopic rash, rosacea, acne, eyelids… These are just some of the many skin-related changes that worry us and require proper attention. Dermatological treatment means, above all, protecting the skin and preventing skin diseases. Nor can we forget that sunbathing is one of our worst enemies. Skin cancer and premature aging are very significantly related to this reality.

Beautiful skin is healthy and healthy skin. And to improve and maintain skin health, we need the help and advice of skilled experts in the field. Rocío Gil Redondo, a well-known dermatologist and dermatologist in his home country, Spain, will tell us in the next interview about the issues related to skin well-being and skin care that interest us the most.

In an interview with Rocío Gil Redondo: skin care according to its properties

Rocío Gil Redondo, a dermatologist, completed his medical degree in Alcalá de Henares, at the University of Alcalá just outside Madrid, and specializes in dermatology from the University Hospital of Guadalajara in the city of the same name in central Spain. Gil Redondo currently works at various medical centers and also runs courses and conferences related to the field.

Rocío Gil Redondo tells us, based on his experience, that there are no miracle drugs in dermatology. Whether it’s acne or other skin-altering conditions, in most cases, the most appropriate means of skin care is adequate knowledge and learning about how the skin should be cared for. Protecting from light, proper skin cleansing, or applying skin-friendly makeup are some of the considerations we should never ignore.

Another situation that Dr. Gil Redondo often works with is skin diseases associated with precursors to cancer. Periodic visits to the doctor’s office and showing off their creations, which we have had for some time or which have only appeared since the previous summer, are part of an extremely important routine that goes beyond mere aesthetics; it is health and well-being.

Q. It is common to hear that skin care varies by skin type, but what are the main skin types and what do we need to consider?

Gil Rendondo answers: There are mainly four different skin types: normal, oily and dry skin, and combination skin. To classify them, we need to consider various properties such as skin softness, shine and exfoliation. Despite this classification, each skin can behave differently due to many environmental factors, such as the weather.

Q. We know that there are more sensitive areas of the skin that need special treatment. What are they and how should we take care of them?

Gil Rendondo answers: The most sensitive areas are those where the skin is thinner, examples of which are the skin around the eye and the skin around the mouth. To take care of them, we need to moisturize these areas daily with creams that are specifically designed for that area and, above all, remember to protect them carefully, like the rest of the skin, from sunlight.

The sun is one of the main causes of aging and therefore careful protection of the skin from the sun is extremely important.

Q. Today, the risks from sun exposure are of particular concern. To what extent should we take this factor into account in our skin care?

Gil Rendondo answers: The sun is one of the main causes of aging and causes both loss of skin elasticity as well as wrinkles as well as unwanted skin pigmentations such as hyperpigmentation i.e. melasma, liver spots and vasodilation, especially in the neck and neck area.

And even more important for these skin changes mentioned above, is that we know how exposure to the sun has been linked to risk factors involved in the development of skin cancer. This may require surgical procedures with aesthetic after-effects in addition to the potential risk of mortality associated with certain types of skin cancers, such as melanoma.

Q. Why is facial peeling and moisturizing so important?

Gil Rendondo answers: Facial cleansing is important because it helps eliminate dirt and makeup residue that is deposited on the skin surface during the day. Moisturizing is important to maintain the texture and elasticity of the skin and to complement the needs that each skin type requires.

In exfoliation, dead cells that have accumulated on the surface of the stratum corneum (the outermost surface layer of the skin) are removed at once, where naturally these cells are removed within days. Therefore, exfoliation of the skin is widely recommended in those cases where it is especially needed; for example, in cases where the skin pores tend to become clogged or the skin surface is uneven. On the other hand, in cases where the skin is very sensitive and dry, peeling the skin is again not recommended, as it can only irritate the skin further in the worst case, instead of skin care.

Q. Are there certain products or types of makeup that we should avoid?

Gil Rendondo answers: People whose skin is prone to acne should avoid makeups and creams that contain comedogenic ingredients. In this way, the additional inconvenience and skin damage caused by these ingredients can be prevented.

Q. Preventing skin aging is a growing concern. Could you tell us more about what are the most innovative skin rejuvenation treatments in your clinic?

Gil Rendondo answers: One of the most innovative treatments at the moment is so-called biophotonic therapy. It is a light treatment that uses fluorescent light to stimulate collagen production, improve small skin wrinkles and acne scars, reduce skin pore size, and improve overall skin texture and quality.

Another innovative treatment is a method that utilizes radio frequency, which causes the deep layers of the skin to warm up by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin fibers, and in this way also reduces the looseness of the skin of the body and face.

The radio frequency method is an innovative skin rejuvenation technique that reduces body and facial sagging skin

Q. Could you tell us a little more about atopic dermatitis? We know that it is a very common skin disease today, especially in newborn babies, why is that?

Gil Rendondo answers: Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common reasons among children to visit a dermatologist. As many as 10 to 20 percent of children under the age of 10 can get this skin disease in its various classes, and in moderate to severe cases, it can even affect a patient’s quality of life and quality of sleep.

An atopic rash is caused by a change inside the skin. Atopic dermatitis has a genetic predisposition and can be triggered by many different environmental factors. An atopic rash triggers an inflammatory process in the skin that causes redness, itching, and peeling of the skin.

Q. Finally, would you tell us what are the most common reasons for a visit to a dermatologist or dermatologist?

Gil Rendondo answers: Some of the most common causes at a dermatologist’s or dermatologist’s office are acne, rosacea, seborrheic rash, eyelid examination, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and viral infections such as warts or hollow warts, the latter being common causes especially in children.

In addition, patients with any of the precursors of cancer, such as actinic keratosis, or solar keratosis or skin cancer, are often seen at the reception, especially among basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, which are more common in older adult patients.

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