Broccoli, Lemon And Garlic: The Road To A Healthy And Slim Life

These three foods prevent bacteria from multiplying in the body. In addition, they can help you lose weight as they make your body burn more calories but still keep you feeling full.
Broccoli, lemon and garlic: the way to a healthy and slim life

Broccoli isn’t everyone’s favorite, but by combining broccoli, garlic and lemon with meals, it works wonders for your body and health. These ingredients give you plenty of important nutrients and keep your stomach happy.

Broccoli is usually included in the diet of many dieters, as it is known to be a healthy and tasty vegetable. When you add lemon and garlic to this equation, you get significantly more benefits. In this article, we take a closer look at the effects of these three ingredients and how they can promote weight loss and health.

Health effects of broccoli, lemon and garlic

These foods will help you lose weight

Broccoli, lemon and garlic are low in calories. However, they contain an incredible amount of important vitamins and minerals that help take care of the body and its basic functions.

  • Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that contains calcium, iron and vitamins A, C and E. It also provides fiber that improves digestive function.
  • All three ingredients help balance body pH  by removing toxins and waste products. This improves the functioning of the organs and prevents the blood from becoming too alkaline.
  • Broccoli along with lemon gives the body a dose of antioxidants that help with digestive function and help remove harmful fats and lipids.
  • Garlic contains allicin, which acts as a natural antibiotic. It prevents inflammation and disease, as well as fluid retention.
  • Also keep in mind that the zinc in broccoli enhances the effects of garlic.

Iron prevents anemia

Broccoli is high in iron.  When you add vitamin C from lemon, iron is absorbed more efficiently. By eating broccoli and lemon you can prevent and treat iron deficiency.

Iron also gives you a decent dose of strength and energy for your day, you cope better at work and hobbies.

Those over forty should eat broccoli, garlic and lemon

These three substances help to lose weight, but together they also help women with menopausal symptoms. These foods control the symptoms.

Broccoli is high in calcium and phytoestrogens,  the effect of which is enhanced through lemon and garlic. People in their forties miss this dietary supplement as bone density begins to decline with age.


Strengthen your body’s defense system

If you decide to lose weight and reduce the number of calories you consume, you may be excited to eliminate too many important nutrients from your diet. It is important to ensure an adequate intake of proteins, minerals and vitamins. A healthy diet doesn’t mean you’re starving yourself and living on a salad alone. Sometimes low-calorie diets have a negative effect on health, even if at first they seem to work successfully.

The best way to lose weight is to make sure you enjoy a varied diet consisting of healthy fats, proteins, trace elements and vitamins. Add broccoli, garlic and lemon to your diet two or three times a week during your weight loss regimen; this helps to strengthen the defense system and the body’s natural control methods against pathogens.

Broccoli, lemon and garlic do good for the gut

Broccoli prevents the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut. Helicobacter pylori can cause disgusting symptoms if it matures into overgrowth. Lemon, in turn, helps the body digest food more efficiently and absorb nutrients more easily.

Together, these three ingredients will improve your health, keep you full, help you burn more fat, and give you proper energy.

Recipe: broccoli, garlic and lemon to help the dieter

broccoli and lemon


  • 1 broccoli
  • 1 tablespoon virgin olive oil
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
  • Black pepper
  • 1 large clove of garlic


  • Wash the broccoli and cut it into pieces that fit in your mouth.
  • Steam the broccoli until soft.
  • When you think the broccoli is sufficiently ripe, remove it from the pan. Next, fry the broccoli in a nice crispy oven:
  • Place the steamed broccoli on a baking sheet, use baking paper. Spread on top of oil, lemon juice, crushed garlic and ground black pepper.
  • The broccoli is already basically ripe and ready to eat, so at this point you want to fry it very lightly. Do not fry the broccoli for more than 15 minutes, observe the situation and remove the broccoli from the oven when it has turned crispy.
  • Turn the broccoli so that it bakes crispy on all sides. Be careful not to burn garlic.
  • You can also ignore the steaming of broccoli completely and bake it directly in the oven. 30-40 minutes is enough.
  • When the broccoli is ready, pour it into a bowl and add the grated lemon zest. The shell gives the meal a touch of color and increases the amount of antioxidants. For example, enjoy as a side dish with fish or chicken.

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