What Does A Good Teacher Give Us?

What does a good teacher give us?

If you were asked if a teacher had made a big impression on you, it probably wouldn’t take you long to think about the answer. You would remember their names, the way they taught, and the reason they influenced you so much. A good teacher is never forgotten.

A teacher can also be a person who has taught us outside the school world. People who teach us valuable things have a great impact on us that is far more powerful than the mere knowledge they conveyed to us.

We face hundreds of people in our lives and many of them also disappear without a trace of our lives. However, those people with a special ability to share information are unforgettable. So why be happy with good teachers?

Because they give us much more than they are meant to give, and much more than we expected.

An unforgettable teacher

It will be interesting to see who the children consider heroes. In addition to their parents and fictional characters, teachers also play a very important role in their lives.

For example, if a teacher has instilled in you the value of trying, saying just the right words at the right time, or using a fun learning technique in their lessons, it is very likely that the information you learn will always be associated with that particular memory that made your teacher so unique.

teacher and student on blackboard

Unfortunately, many teachers work routinely, teach monotonously, and stick to the textbook too much. However, a handful of teachers – who we can probably count with the fingers of one hand – are exceptional and have a special way of connecting with their students.

Good teachers are those who have fun teaching and who prove their calling to the profession in front of 30 bored children who would rather play outside. Good teachers also help us choose our future profession.

What is an ideal teacher like?

They are not the ones who give less homework or let students do what they want in class. Nor are they the ones who give so much homework that we have to spend all afternoon and evening with them or who tyrannically keep their class in complete silence.

A good teacher is one who sets the bar to the height that students are just barely able to jump,  just a little outside the area of ​​student comfort. A good teacher is the one who makes students internalize the learning material best.

Calling was not something we would have understood when we were young. Now, however, we recognize the people who have it. This is because the vocation is easily seen in the right kind of attitude and  positive nature, no matter what kind of problems come your way in the classroom.

If he treats everyone equally, does not bother to have to spend a little extra time to make all his students understand, is friendly and close with his students and especially  if he has a tremendous amount of patience, one can say of him that he is an ideal teacher.

They should also have the enthusiasm to do their job, the desire to constantly transcend themselves, to look for new ways to say the same thing, and to give one hundred percent of themselves when passing information to their students.

Teachers should also remember to teach their students holistically. So what does that mean? It means that in addition to learning materials, formulas, and techniques, they should also teach their students good manners and values.


Are there good teachers outside of school?

So far, we’ve only talked about children and their teachers at school. However, mentors can be of any age and work in any profession. Also, many adults are looking for someone to guide them or teach them something they want or need to learn.

While many times you can choose your own teacher or mentor as a parent, there are also those you meet at random. You may come across a teacher who holds classes in the adjoining classroom, or who had an class in your class before your lecture.

Mentors provide all their information to their learners and help them overcome various obstacles. They usually have a lot of experience in their field and a special skill to teach or pass on their knowledge.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter your age: It’s never too late to find the best teacher you’ve ever had.

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