Grain Cell Loss: Symptoms And Treatment

Grain cell loss can cause recurrent infections, fever, chills, and other non-specific symptoms.
Grain cell loss: symptoms and treatment

Grain cell loss, or agranulocytosis, is a blood disease in which the number of grain cells falls too low. Grain cell loss is also called neutropenia and granulocytopenia. The most common definition is when the number of neutrophils is less than 1000-1500 cells per cubic millimeter of blood. There are a total of three types of granulocytes: neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils.

The disease is rare, but it can be serious. In this article, you will learn more about this disease and its symptoms.

What causes grain cell loss?

As already mentioned, granulocyte loss is a disease in which the number of neutrophils in the blood decreases. This can happen for two different reasons:

  • Ineffective granulopoiesis: This is a disorder in the production of neutrophils that occurs in the nuclear extension. Any spinal disorder can cause it. It may be due to, for example, aplastic anemia or leukemia.
  • Early destruction or use of neutrophils: If this occurs faster than the bone marrow is able to create new neutrophils, grain cell loss may occur. Neutrophils are responsible for fighting bacterial infections. In these situations, they have to work too much.
  • Premature destruction of these cells , on the other hand, may be due to certain drugs, such as metamizole. It can also be caused by radiation or autoimmune processes.

Possible causes of grain cell loss may therefore be:

  • Genetic: When cell production changes as a result of genetic problems.
  • Congenital: In some cases, the disease may already be at birth.
  • Acquired: Grain cell loss can result from medication or malignancy.

How granule cell loss is classified

The severity of Jyvässolukatu is classified according to the number of neutrophils in the blood. The different classifications are therefore as follows:

  • Mild: Neutrophil counts are less than 1000 to 1500 cells / cubic millimeter of blood.
  • Moderate: Neutrophil counts are less than 500 to 1000 cells / cubic millimeter of blood.
  • Severe: Neutrophil counts are less than 500 cells / cubic millimeter of blood.


This disease often has no specific symptoms; in fact, it may even go unnoticed. However, some of the most common signs may include:

  • Fever above 38 ° C, usually associated with chills and sweating.
  • Cough and shortness of breath.
  • Weakness and fatigue.
  • Oral ulcers and vascular wounds.
  • Uncomfortable feeling when urinating.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea.

In women, changes in vaginal secretions may occur . The patient suffers from infections more often, and the infections are usually very unusual or rare.


Doctors may suspect this disease when a patient repeatedly suffers from infections. First, your doctor will order a blood test to show a low number of granule cells if the patient has this condition. The bone marrow can also be examined by taking a tissue or lymph sample.

Other tests that may be helpful in making a diagnosis include:

  • Analysis of urine or other secretions: This is how the causes of the infection are detected if the patient has a fever.
  • Gene tests.
  • Antibody tests: These help rule out autoimmunity.
The blood test may show a low number of granule cells

Treatment of grain cell loss

Treatment depends on the cause and severity of the disease. If the disease is due to the drug, the patient must stop taking the drug immediately. If this fails, the drug should be replaced with another drug. Control blood tests should be prescribed by your doctor.

In case of infection, the patient should eat antibiotics. The most common method is to eat antibiotics against the most common microorganisms. When grain cell loss is due to autoimmune disease, good results can be obtained with corticosteroids.

Currently, there are also more specific forms of treatment, such as:

  • Leukocyte transfusion.
  • Granulocyte Growth Factor: This method stimulates the bone marrow to produce more granule cells. This form of treatment is especially effective in people with granulocyte loss due to chemotherapy.
  • Bone marrow transplantation: This treatment is reserved for cases where other treatments do not work. A healthy bone marrow can produce healthy granule cells. However, it is difficult to find a compatible donor.


Grain cell loss is a complex blood disease. You should see a doctor if you suffer from recurrent infections and suspect this disease. You should also see a doctor if you feel unwell, have a fever or any of the other symptoms mentioned. Your doctor will prescribe appropriate tests and prescribe treatment if necessary.

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