Lemon Cleansing Treatment

The cleansing regimen helps to flush out waste products from the body. Excessive amounts of waste products can negatively affect the basic functions of the body. By combining a cleansing regimen with a healthy diet and exercise, you will also lose a lot of weight.
Cleansing course with lemon

A cleansing course of lemon is a great way to flush out toxins and toxins from your body, while boosting weight loss. This popular cleansing regimen has been in use for decades and has become particularly popular in recent years.

Cleansing course with lemon

This cleansing treatment with lemon rose to great popularity after treatment developer Stanley Burroughs began recommending a treatment for stomach ulcers. In his book The Master Cleanse , Burroughs shares a patient story that tests a lemon regimen after suffering from stomach ulcers for three years.

After the patient had been on the course for only a meager 11 days, his stomach ulcer healed completely.  The results surprised the patient’s doctors as well. Since then, other glorious stories have emerged from the lemon cure, with results appearing after only ten days of the cure. The ability of a lemon cure to enhance weight loss has also been noted in many different cases.

How does a lemon peel work?

lemon on a tree

The cleansing regimen works by enhancing the body’s own natural cleansing.  The body constantly removes and processes toxins and waste products, and ingesting certain substances can support and enhance the process. Slags accumulate from poor nutrition, pollution, negative emotions, and lack of exercise. The regimen is a great addition to a healthy lifestyle.

So be sure to make your regimen more effective by enjoying a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Also, focus on reducing the amount of stress in your life and set aside time to relax, as these directly affect the accumulation of toxins.

How to make a cleansing course from lemon?

For a cure to work to its full potential, it is important to set goals.  When you have a specific goal in mind, you will be able to more easily identify changes and developments in the situation and notice when you have reached your goal. It is important to identify all the obstacles and tactics that stand in your way that you can use to achieve your goal. Some recommend eating vegetarian-focused food before a cleansing cycle of lemon, as eating a  plant-based diet makes the experience less heavy for the body.

Warnings and Cautions

The regimen is not suitable for people who have had an organ transplant, nor for people who are taking immunosuppressive drugs. If you have recently undergone surgery, the regimen should be skipped.

Before starting a regimen, you should reduce your intake of caffeine, sugary carbonated beverages, sugar, white flour, and fatty foods.

Cleansing drink

cleaning course from lemon

This lemon cleansing regimen helps the body get rid of slag buildup. By ingesting a special lemon juice, you cleanse your body effectively. Make juice from the following ingredients:

  • Lemon
  • Organic maple syrup
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Water

The regimen is followed for at least 10 consecutive days.


  • Mix the same amount of water, lemon juice and maple syrup. Pour into a dark glass jar and store in the refrigerator.
  • Add four tablespoons of the mixture to a glass of water, stir in a pinch of cayenne pepper and let the maple syrup mixture melt in the water.
  • Enjoy 6 to 12 glasses of drink a day at regular intervals. Drink a glass whenever you feel hungry.
  • Maple syrup preserves lemon juice and prevents it from oxidizing vitamin C and enzymes.

Also enjoy something laxative in the mornings and evenings. Mix even three teaspoons of sea salt with a liter of water and enjoy a glass if necessary.

How is the cleansing course followed?

lemon juice

Performing a cleansing course requires patience.  On the first day of treatment, you should drink only lemon juice. On the second day, you can add orange juice to your routine and also enjoy vegetable soups and broths. On the third day you can eat fruits and vegetables. Gradually, you can add meat, fish, dairy products, eggs and other foods to your meal.

When the regimen ends after 10-11 days, you should eat a varied but healthy diet. At the same time, this cleansing regimen will help you change your eating habits and say goodbye to unhealthy eating.

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