What Does A Sustainable Diet Mean?

A sustainable diet is a diet that involves much more than just the aspect of healthy eating. Keep reading so you can hear why it is recommended so much today!
What does a sustainable diet mean?

Environmental pollution is one of the biggest concerns on Earth. Atmospheric emissions from gases and industry could limit human survival as a species for decades to come. For this reason, humanity has embarked on a series of different measures against climate change, one of which is a sustainable diet.

In this article, we’ll talk about what a sustainable diet consists of and how it goes beyond the mere concept of healthy eating. In addition to ensuring the proper functioning of the body, a sustainable diet pays attention to the origin of food and the environmental impact of production. Want to know more about this topic? Keep reading!

Sustainable diet: a respectful eating pattern

As stated in an article in The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, one of the main goals of a sustainable diet is to reduce people’s ecological carbon footprint on the planet. In other words, less energy and chemicals would also be consumed in livestock production and agriculture.

In addition, the role of a sustainable diet is to defend the purchase of domestic food and thus reduce the transport and fuel costs of international transport. Indeed, with small changes in diet, we can make a significant contribution to how much gaseous emissions from food production are actually released into the atmosphere.

On the other hand, this diet model is to prioritize the consumption of plant-based products because their recurrence rate is higher than food derived from animals. Impacts on natural food chains are less, while at the same time avoiding the extinction of many species, which in turn is due to over-consumption and overexploitation of natural resources.

One of the main goals of a sustainable diet is to reduce people’s ecological carbon footprint on the planet
A sustainable diet supports the local economy by prioritizing food from domestic producers.

Durable and healthy

Don’t Imagine that a sustainable diet only cares about the environment. Of course, this diet is also good for our health.

In fact, high consumption of fruits and vegetables has been linked to better functioning of the metabolism. Indeed, a review of research in the field published in 2017 has combined an adequate intake of herbal products with a reduction in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

This claim is due, among other things, to the effect of flavonoids found in fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids are antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that occur naturally in small amounts.

Indeed, flavonoids are often the pigments that are responsible for bringing color to food. According to a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, they are also able to reduce the risk of developing some neurological pathologies, such as Parkinson’s disease.

Less processed foods

As we have already seen, a sustainable diet defends the consumption of local products and promotes less industrial processing. This in turn helps to limit the intake of all highly processed foods that also increase daily energy intake.

These highly processed products are also responsible for the development of many complex pathologies. For example, we can take diabetes. This endemic disease is associated with sweet foods that are regularly consumed in the diet and are high in added sugar. Indeed, a systematic review published in 2017 has shown that the regular presence of these foods in the diet has been linked to changes in human metabolic function.

However, this change in trend will not only benefit metabolism, as a sustainable diet will also promote cardiovascular function, as, as we have already mentioned; eating vegetables reduces the risk of heart problems.

Restricting highly processed products is also capable of realizing this effect. Indeed, experts have said that foods high in trans fats are primarily responsible for atherosclerosis, a systemic inflammation that causes arterial disease, which in turn has negative effects on the human bloodstream.

a sustainable diet defends the consumption of local products and promotes less industrial processing
A sustainable diet favors fresh vegetables over processed foods.

A sustainable diet supports the local economy

Last but not least, we must emphasize that a sustainable diet model is also beneficial for the local economy. The use of local products increases the income of small local producers.

In this way, the presence of multinational companies in the primary sector is reduced, as these companies are often also responsible for abuses in the workplace, poor working conditions and low wages. A sustainable diet not only improves health and respects the environment, but can also help local livestock and agricultural workers earn and sustain their activities.

Stick to this healthy, respectful and sustainable model

Now that you know what a sustainable diet consists of and what its benefits are, you can take advice on it in your daily life. In addition to being good for health, a sustainable diet also respects the environment and the rights of many workers.

Implementing this feeding model will help avoid inequality and prevent the extinction of animal species from the planet. In addition, the risk of developing complex pathologies associated with an unhealthy diet is reduced when we invest in fresh and healthy choices in our diet. With a sustainable diet, we can also help build a more sustainable future!

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