Is It Worth Drinking Tea During Pregnancy?

Drinking tea is a common habit, but doing it during pregnancy can be a health risk. Read more below about the harmful effects of some herbal baths.
Is it worth drinking tea during pregnancy?

Women usually drink tea during pregnancy in an attempt to alleviate the discomfort associated with their condition. However, they should be aware of the possible side effects of some herbal baths.

Medicinal plants have been used in the form of herbal baths for hundreds of years. However, many expectant mothers who drink these stews are often unaware of the effect that a particular plant may have on them. Some herbs have little to no effect, but certain plants need to be careful.

Is it worth drinking tea during pregnancy?

Drinking tea or a stew is not in itself harmful during pregnancy, and it itself has little side effects. However, teas made from certain medicinal plants often, and when consumed in excessive amounts, expose you to certain risks during pregnancy.

One study estimates that as many as 55% of pregnant women drink herbal baths. The scary thing here is that most of them are not aware of the potential effects of these plants on the fetus.


During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes temporary changes due to the formation of new organs such as the placenta. Therefore, any natural or synthetic substance that could alter the physiological processes occurring at this stage is strictly prohibited.

It is important to mention that avoiding tea during the first trimester of pregnancy is especially important because fetal development is at this stage the most vulnerable to environmental factors.

In this sense, any drugs, chemicals, herbal metabolites, or diseases can affect and impair the normal development of the fetus from the second week of pregnancy to the third month. This, together with the properties of several active metabolites, leads to many disorders.

Teratogenesis, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and other similar terms refer to adverse changes to which embryonic cells are exposed during their formation. Pregnant women should be familiar with the substances that affect these processes the most.

Just as alcohol and tobacco are chemicals that interfere with embryo formation, it can also be adversely affected by some medicinal plants. The most important thing to remember is to be careful when drinking herb stews.

The first trimester of pregnancy is a particularly risky time because embryonic development is still in progress.

What kind of tea can expectant mothers drink?

Herbal preparations have broader therapeutic effects and fewer side effects than synthetic products. Unfortunately, this has led to the notion that anything organic is not harmful. Many of these plants do not have an adverse effect on the health of expectant mothers, including:

  • Spearmint. This plant has been used to relieve stomach pain and is especially useful during pregnancy as it prepares the breasts for milk production.
  • Lemon verbena. This herb relieves the burning sensation in the esophagus as well as nausea, insomnia, abdominal pain and other indigestion.
  • Ginger. This is a great ground arm to relieve nausea and vomiting.
  • Rosemary. This plant relieves sore throat, insomnia and stress.
  • Herbaceous root. This herb has been used as a muscle relaxant for hundreds of years.
  • In lemon balm or Melissa. This plant helps with indigestion and acts as a muscle relaxant.

Many other herbs are safe to use during pregnancy, but the ones just mentioned are used most often. Therefore, there are no barriers to use, and pregnant women can use them without worries – unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

Herbal teas NOT recommended

There are also certain plants that should not be used during pregnancy. Here are the most important:

  • Chamomile and real fig can promote the onset  of labor and dilate the cervix if used extensively.
  • Polish mint  can cause contractions.
  • Ruud promotes the onset  of labor and is associated with uterine involution and swelling – it is an abortifacient plant.
  • Aloe Vera can cause uterine bleeding and is therefore considered abortifacient.
  • Wormwood  can cause miscarriage by stimulating uterine bleeding.
  • Boldo: One of the active ingredients in Boldo  is thujone, which can lead to miscarriage.
It is not advisable to drink any kind of tea during pregnancy
Aloe Vera contains active metabolites that, in high doses, can cause miscarriage.

What to keep in mind if you drink tea during pregnancy

Most people believe that medicinal plants are safe to use because they have been used since ancient times. Keep in mind, however, that “natural” does not mean safe and healthy in all situations.

Women who would like to drink herbal baths should consult a doctor before, during and after pregnancy and during breastfeeding, as the effects of many plants on pregnancy, both bad and good, are not yet known.

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