Bad Taste In The Mouth In The Mornings?

Bad taste in your mouth in the mornings?

Each of us has certainly experienced this once and for all: you wake up in the morning with a bad taste in your mouth. What is the cause of this phenomenon? The ailment is common and although there is no need to worry about it, it can sometimes be a sign of changes in the body and, for example, liver symptoms. Also, poor diet, or the rapid accumulation of bacterial infection as a result can lead to bad taste in the mouth.

The truth is that many of us often wake up with a strange or bad taste in our mouths in the mornings. During the night, bacteria accumulate on the tongue, leading to bad breath – a particularly embarrassing affliction if you spend your night in your loved one’s armpit. Below we list the most common causes of bad breath.

Causes of bad breath

Awakening of bad taste in the mouth

Bad taste in the mouth is due to bacteria

The sour taste in the mouth is usually due to anaerobic bacteria located at the back of the tongue and releasing small amounts of sulfur secretion on the surface of the tongue. During the day, this is rarely noticed, as saliva usually takes the bacteria away or destroys them. During the night, however, saliva secretion decreases and the bacteria inhabiting the tongue get to do their dense work. In the morning you have a bad taste in your mouth.

Inflammation of the sinuses

If you suffer from sinusitis, the mucous membranes in the nasal area are sensitized and mucus secretion increases. This mucus is very rich in protein and acts as a food for the bacteria we mentioned earlier, leading to their proliferation and accelerated sulfur excretion.


You may suffer from an acid burn in the esophagus, which in turn may be due to inflammation. Digestion slows down and food absorption becomes more difficult. This acidity nourishes the bacteria in the tongue and results in a particularly acidic taste in the mouth.

Liver problems

You are certainly aware of the important role of the liver in cleansing the body. The liver is responsible for filtering toxins and harmful substances, as well as handling various enzymes. The sour taste in the mouth may be due to a symptom of the liver for which one can try to cleanse the body.


The most visible symptom of jaundice is a yellowing of the skin color and a sour taste in the mouth, especially in the mornings. Jaundice is caused by an excessive amount of bilirubin in the body.

Bilirubin is formed when the body breaks down stale red blood cells. The function of the liver is to remove excess bilirubin from the blood, and jaundice is often caused by liver problems and diseases, which weaken the liver and prevent it from handling bilirubin properly.

Prevent bad taste in the mouth

Beetroot prevents bad taste

The easiest way to balance the bacterial population of the tongue is to eat foods that cleanse the body holistically. Try the following detox tricks:

  • Start your day by eating a whole clove of garlic on an empty stomach. Garlic is a real cleansing power pack and if you remember to enjoy it daily, you will soon notice its positive effect on your body.
  • Detox juice for dinner.  Try this simple recipe to enhance your well-being: throw in the blender one whole beetroot, a clove of garlic, half a lemon juice, a bunch of parsley and a teaspoon of honey, and puree until the juice is ready. Replace dinner with this juice for at least eight consecutive days during the month. The juice helps to cleanse your body and reduce toxins and bacteria – this way you also get a better taste in your mouth in the mornings.

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