10 Ways To Improve Memory

10 ways to improve memory

Do you easily forget small things? Do you often have difficulty concentrating properly, or Do you repeatedly feel that other people have a better memory than yourself? However, don’t worry. It is worth keeping in mind that sometimes stress or anxiety can reduce mental functioning, and even a poor diet can be the cause of mental functioning problems. In this article, we will focus on what you can do to improve your memory.

Think of your brain as muscle. They are muscle that can be exercised and functioned. Improving your memory is always possible, and in this article we’ll tell you how to get this done with easy home tricks. So keep reading if you’ve ever spent frustrating moments because your memory is malfunctioning, or if you simply want to improve and maintain your memory – we’ll give you the next  10 ways to improve your memory .

What to do to improve memory?

1. The right kind of food to improve memory

Follow a healthy and balanced diet to improve memory.

If you want a better memory, you should definitely start following a proper diet. This includes including the following fruits, vegetables and other vital foods in your daily meals:

  • Banana
  • Walnut
  • Apple
  • Salmon and trout
  • Beer yeast
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Flax seeds
  • Wheat germ
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Asparagus
  • Oats
  • Lenses
  • Paprika
  • Citrus fruits

2. Avoid an overly routine life

Routine is the real enemy of memory. So if you do exactly the same things every single day and week, your brain will no longer receive stimuli, stimuli, and motivation. This monotony of stimuli causes data processing to slow down, making it harder for you to learn information and facts than before.

So what is the right solution for this? Do something different every single day. It’s true, of course, that everyone has to deal with repetitive responsibilities to some degree, but you can take a break from these for two hours so you can keep your mind fresh and prevent memory from deteriorating.

3. Practice the mind every day

Try memory games here , which you can develop well from even everyday topics. So even lower the stairs in your office, school, or gym. Or when you see the license plate, try to press it in your mind as best you can, and then try to remember the code in two hours. Memorize the phone numbers of your friends and relatives, or memorize the words to a poem or song, and then try to repeat them the next day.

4. Focus well on what you are currently doing

Focus on the moment and you will improve your memory.


Sometimes we do things automatically. These things include many of the day’s routines: waking up, brushing your hair, eating breakfast, and eventually going to work. Where did you leave your phone, and where are your car keys? This kind of forgetting is normal. From now on, however, focus on exactly what you are currently doing, that is, try to be as aware of the moment as possible. This way you will find that your memory is slowly starting to improve.

5. When you want to remember something, try to see it in your mind

Imagine wanting to remember where you leave your home keys so you don’t have to bother later and look for them in despair. What can you do to remember that thing? Imagine leaving them on a hallway table – create this image in your mind. And if, for example, you would like to remember the birthdays of your colleagues, you might want to think about, for example, the calendar pages that have those dates.

So the strongest memory is one that is also associated with images.

6. Memorabilia of memories

Memory works through mind connections.


This is very simple, and in fact this is almost a joke. Memory works mainly through mind connections. Want an example of this? This must have happened to you sometimes, too: you smell something, and immediately in your head a memory of some past stage of your life emerges. Or maybe you hear a song and immediately have a word, feeling, or picture of the past in your mind.

For example, if you want to remember the next time you visit your doctor, create an association with it : on the 10th at 9:00, you can join even ten fingers of your hand and your nephew at the age of nine.

7. Organize the information in your head

Your memory works much better if you organize the information you want to try to remember. Imagine, for example, you want to go shopping, but you forget about your shopping list at home – this or something similar has happened to everyone. What can you do at such a moment? First, you should visualize your kitchen and each of its food shelves so you can do a quick review section by section: dairy products, fruits, cleaning supplies, bathroom, and so on.

8. Manage stress and negative thoughts

Don’t try to do many things at once.


If you think you’re having memory problems, you may be used to people commenting on your forgetfulness. You may be able to do this for yourself, too, meaning you may be telling yourself how bad your memory is. However, do you know what the end result will be? You create and surround yourself with what you tell yourself, you take responsibility for your bad memory, and so forgetting is allowed for you.

So start changing your mindset,  and keep the following in mind:

  • Memory is like a muscle that can be exercised by engaging in “mind training”.
  • Worries and stress are the worst enemies of memory.
  • In order to improve your memory, you need to be motivated as well as aware of the stimuli you are getting and what you are doing at any given moment – however, don’t actually put pressure on yourself here as it is not good.

9. Stimulate your brain

So read books, magazines, and newspapers, or start writing a diary. You can even start learning a language. Exercising your brain every day will help you improve your basic processes, such as memory. It also makes you more active, and best of all, it protects you from the passage of time and the degenerative diseases that this may bring.

10. Enjoy the fresh air and get away from the tension

Remember outdoors, then your memory will thank.

You should spend a peaceful hour outdoors in nature every day : walk, stroll, go biking or walk your pet. Fresh air cleanses your mind and relieves tension as you get great stimuli like smells, emotions and sounds outside. All of this will relax you and give you a large amount of endorphins that have the ability to bring relaxation to your body. So there’s nothing better than a quiet moment to help you deal with the memories of the day and all the little, myriad details you’ve experienced.

Try these tips to improve your memory!

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