These 6 Ways To Strengthen Immunity

Are you tired of constant illness? Below are six tips for strengthening your immunity.
These 6 ways will strengthen your immunity

The body’s defense system protects us from infections, bacteria and other harmful effects that emerge from the environment. Immunity should be strengthened as it is one of the best health measures if you want to stay healthy and fit.

Immunity can be strengthened in a few healthy ways, and at the same time you do a great service to the whole body. In this article, we focus on improving immunity and helping you protect yourself from the negative effects of pathogens.

1. Sleep enough to strengthen immunity

sleep strengthens immunity

Sleeping is much more than a pleasure, as it is vital to the functioning and health of the whole body. As you sleep, your body’s cells regenerate and your body recovers and repairs. Your body’s antibodies fight pain, injury, and disease, and if you don’t get enough sleep, you deprive your body of the ability to regenerate and heal itself. This puts you at risk for illness and injury.

Now that you understand the positive effects of sleep on your body, make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Don’t get a good night’s sleep, but always go to bed at the same time and wake up in the morning at a certain time even on holidays. This strengthens immunity.

2. Eat more raw citrus fruits and vegetables, less meat and dairy products

Vegetables and fruits usually contain a large amount of antioxidants, which naturally help to strengthen immunity. When you eat healthy amounts of citrus fruits and berries you make sure you get enough vitamin C and beneficial antioxidants.

Eating raw vegetables and fruits gives the body the ability to defend itself against pathogens. In addition, immunity depends largely on a functioning gut, and when you eat high-protein foods such as meat, eggs, or dairy products, you may notice a significant decrease in immunity. Easily digestible foods such as vegetables and fruits in turn eliminate proteins from the body.

3. Daily exercise

red bicycle

Exercise is a great way to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and infecting diseases. If you don’t seem to have enough time for a sports hobby, you need to understand that exercise doesn’t have to take a lot of time or money.

Think about it from this angle: you have 24 hours a day, 8 of which you dedicate to sleeping and probably the other 8 hours going to work. You can do whatever you want in the remaining 8 hours, so be sure these hours can accommodate a half-hour-hour period during which you have time to move. Book an hour a day for your favorite exercise : dancing, yoga, walking, biking or running are good options for raising your heart rate and burning calories.

Any activity will help boost your immunity and give you energy. On top of all this, exercise is directly related to a lower level of stress, so not only will you improve your health, but you will also feel happier. Always look for good opportunities for exercise: walk home from work instead of taking a bus, work out in front of the telly after dinner, or suggest a bike ride with a friend instead of traditional coffee. Half an hour of continuous exercise or three 10-minute sessions is enough.

4. Take care of hydration

Remember that you should drink at least eight glasses of water a day, or a couple of liters: this will help you stay hydrated and strengthen your immunity. Eight glasses a day is actually a very small amount of fluid when you consider that your body is made up of 80% water.

Water is incomprehensibly important to life, but nonetheless, many people suffer from chronic water deficiency – this has a significant impact on immunity. Without adequate hydration, the body will not be able to remove toxins and other waste products that accumulate in the body during the day.

Dehydration of the body leads to impaired function of the internal organs, which opens the door to various diseases and ailments. We therefore recommend consuming at least 2 liters of water a day. Carry a bottle of water with you everywhere and enjoy sips throughout the day.

5. Take care of hygiene

hand washing

This means of strengthening immunity is self-evident to almost everyone, as the importance of hygiene and cleanliness has been played to us since childhood. Bacteria, viruses and other factors that negatively affect health often end up in the body through contact. Good personal hygiene is therefore very important if you want to avoid common infectious diseases and food poisoning.

We recommend:

  • Use of antibacterial gel
  • Do not chew your fingernails or put your fingers in your mouth
  • Take a shower every day
  • Wash your hands every time you come home, before handling food and using public transport.

Be sure to stay away from harmful or dangerous chemicals when choosing hygiene products, favoring natural ingredients that protect, cleanse and moisturize the skin.

6. Say “no” to tobacco

Smoking or simply inhaling tobacco smoke affects the body and significantly weakens the immune system. In many cities around the world, smoking is banned in public places because its toxic effects are well known.

Tobacco is one of the leading causes of high blood pressure and various cancers, especially respiratory cancers.

If you are trying to strengthen your immunity, quitting smoking is the first step to this.

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