6 Body Parts That Can Be Massaged To Greatly Enhance Your Quality Of Life

Massage is a great help to increase the well-being of the body. If you massage the body parts we mentioned in this article, you will get great benefits, and you can implement the massage in your own home – read and try it!
6 body parts that can be massaged to greatly enhance your quality of life

When you think of a massage, you may automatically be reminded of an image of the “knots” and stress-relieving treatment on your back and shoulders. However, the massage can be focused on any area of ​​the body that benefits the most.

Read more and Learn how a relaxing massage can even improve your quality of life!

However, you can enjoy all the great benefits of massage in other areas of your body and self-executed.

Want to know what these areas are and how this kind of massage works? Keep reading and improve your own or your loved one’s health in a pleasant way – get a relaxing massage!

Massage improves your quality of life

massage improves quality of life

You can use massage to eliminate daily stress, reduce back pain, get rid of anxiety, and even relieve fluid buildup in your body. And these are just a few of the great quality-of-life benefits of massage!

While it is true that you need knowledge and practice to massage another person, you can  increase the well-being of your body with certain simple movements.

In order to do a full-length massage, you must first ensure a comfortable feeling. This means that both your room and the bed or seat you use should be comfortable.

Also make sure the temperature is correct; neither too cold nor too hot.

  • You can illuminate the space with candles.
  • You can also choose any suitable fragrance or essential oils that have relaxing effects, such as lavender.
  • Also, don’t ignore your hearing and mood music! Songs with no words are good for this purpose – instrumental or meditative music. You may want sounds that include nature (for example, rain, sea turmoil, waterfall noise, birdsong, or the like).

Special oils are also needed for massage. However, they are easy to obtain, as specialized stores offer many types of options for this.

Check if the skin of the person receiving the massage is sensitive or if you need to buy a certain type of oil. The mildest options for this are almond and jojoba oil (or you can even use baby oil).

Towels are also important and are especially useful when warm. For example, use a microwave to heat them.

The most important thing about towels is that they cover the person being massaged, and in addition, they keep him or her comfortable when the masseur’s hands are cold. At the end of the massage, towels are also needed to remove excess oil.

What areas should be rubbed (and what not)?

In addition to the fact that a massage may be necessary for some medical reason, it is never a bad thing to have a 30-45 minute massage in a state that feels like a spa in order to eliminate the aches and pains of daily life.

However, did you know that there are parts of the body that cannot be accessed by a regular massage, but that you can massage yourself with a home appliance? Once you know what these areas are and start working on them, you will never feel the same again. You are much more relaxed and happier!

So pay close attention to the following instructions, which tell you about the six parts of your body that you should rub.

1. The top of the head

More than half of today’s working people complain that they are very tired at the end of the day.

A massage on the head (or more precisely, a massage towards the top of the head)  creates a pleasant sensation, as it relaxes the skull while activating the human blood circulation.

2. The face

face massage

This massage not only helps you look younger (as it tightens the skin), but it also helps you relax.  So if you are very stressed or anxious, we recommend a small facial massage.

It can also be helpful in relieving daily exhaustion, worries, or tension.

3. Skull

We have already mentioned that massage the top of the head is good for health. However, this is not the only area of ​​the head that is worth rubbing in order to feel better.

It’s good to remind yourself that the accumulation of stress creates health problems and depression, and it’s worth trying some treatments to reduce this harmful phenomenon. A massage between the forehead and the top of the head  is an ideal aid for those whose work requires a lot of concentration and planning.

It’s also the perfect help for those who are about to get an exam or have a  job that requires a lot of concentration and spending time in front of a computer screen.

With this massage, you can  reduce tension, eliminate bad mood and improve the quality of your sleep. It’s a really great form of massage, so don’t miss this opportunity to substantially improve your well-being!

4. Ears

ear massage

Nothing is as good a help as an ear massage when you want to get in a relaxed atmosphere. Did you know that one of the main causes of stress is the noise that is heard every single day in big cities?

Trumpets, screams, and loud music cause more exhaustion and anxiety problems.

Instead,  silence calms the mind and helps to avoid negative thoughts, and it also reduces the energy used by the brain. This makes it easier to sleep at night and focus on good things.

This massage should be done on the back of the  ears using rotary motions and moving clockwise towards the earlobes.

5. Fingertips

Most often, people do not rub their fingers unless these Body Parts feel sore. However, this is a big mistake! Although the fingertips are the most durable parts of the body, they are also  very sensitive and need attention and care.

They are full of nerve endings that can be made relaxed using pressure techniques. This is an ideal aid for those who spend their days typing on a computer keyboard.

6. Back

This is one of the most neglected areas in our bodies, as massage often only covers the thigh area. However, a massage at this point is both pleasant and  helps to avoid the discomfort caused by sitting for hours.

Try massaging different areas of your body yourself, and discover how massage can increase your quality of life in a natural and pleasant way!

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