The Best Natural Treatments For Fluid Retention

When you are in a sitting position for hours, you drink too much salt or take certain medications, or if you have problems with your lymphatic system, it can result in fluid accumulating in your body. We are now talking about ways to prevent this phenomenon.
The best natural treatments for fluid retention

Fluid retention means the accumulation of fluids in the tissues of the body. This problem is most common in the feet, ankles, and face, although it can also occur elsewhere in the body. This time we want to offer natural treatments to relieve fluid buildup.

What is fluid retention and why does it develop?

Fluids naturally accumulate in human tissues so that organs can function better. This only becomes a problem when more fluids are absorbed than is healthy. Due to gravity, these fluids typically remain in the lower limbs. This condition is also called edema or swelling.

The most common causes of excessive fluid retention are:

  • excessive use of salt or certain medicines (such as birth control pills)
  • burning in the sun or being in a sitting position for a long time
  • heart failure or liver or kidney disease
  • pregnancy, menopause or menstruation
  • problems with lymph node function

Fluid retention can occur for a number of reasons, such as a decrease in blood pressure, blockage of the lymphatic system, or  problems with the ability of tissues to handle fluids.

There are also different types of fluid accumulation. The skin may be hot or cold, and the swelling may be common (in all tissues and organs of the body) or local (for example, in the legs or ankles).

Tips for preventing fluid buildup

It is important to change some lifestyles if you have noticed swelling in yourself. First, you should increase your water intake.

At least two gallons of water a day is not a pointless recommendation or belief  – this is the amount your body needs to treat toxic substances and keep lymph nodes functioning well.

When your body doesn’t get the amount of water it needs, it stores the available fluid in the tissues, especially the feet. Monitor the color of your urine to see if you are well hydrated. If the urine is clear, you have completely cleansed your urinary system (for that day, as the process will start again the next day).

It is then beneficial to limit salt intake. Sodium is one of the main causes of fluid accumulation in the body. You can replace it with spices and herbs, and avoid eating any salty, industrially processed and fried foods.

Natural treatments for fluid retention

Here are natural products to help with fluid retention and prevention:

1. Flaxseed

flaxseed fluid accumulation

Flaxseed has many good properties and the body gets a lot of nutrients from it. You can use it periodically to treat fluid buildup.

The instruction is very easy: grind the seeds and sprinkle them on top of your food. You can also add flaxseed oil to salads.

2. Coriander

This aromatic herb is always a good addition in the kitchen as it gives a lot of flavor to many dishes. Coriander also has medicinal benefits, as it activates kidney function and helps cleanse the body, for example. You can add fresh coriander to salads or vegetarian dishes, or even make tea from plant seeds.


  • 1/2 tablespoon coriander seeds
  • A cup of water


  • Heat the water in a saucepan, and when it boils, add the coriander seeds.
  • Let the tea simmer slowly for ten minutes and then strain.
  • Enjoy the drink as warm as possible, and it would be best to take it on an empty stomach.

3. Mustard oil


This treatment is local. You can use mustard oil to massage areas with swelling. Put a few drops of oil on your palms and rub them together to warm the oil. Then rub the areas to be treated in a rotating motion.

This helps stimulate blood circulation and the lymphatic system, and it reduces excess fluids present in soft tissues. The treatment is ideal when you come home after sitting for hours at the computer.

4. Garlic

This superfood is a necessity in every kitchen, both in cooking and as a care product. Garlic is a very effective dehydrator, especially for the feet and legs.

We recommend that you enjoy one clove of garlic every morning – you don’t have to chew it, as you can chop the nail into pieces and take the pieces with water like pills. Another option is to add garlic to salads, boxes, vegetarian dishes and soups.

5. Dandelion


This is a great natural dehydrator and cleanser. It activates blood circulation and promotes the removal of fluids. The best option is to use it to make tea.


  • 1 tablespoon dandelions
  • 1 cup water


  • Bring the water to a boil and add the dandelion. Bring to a slow boil for ten minutes.
  • Let the drink simmer for about 15 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid and enjoy your tea – you can add honey or lemon to avoid the bitter taste of dandelion.

6. Apple cider vinegar

This fluid can be used as a daily treatment water to prevent or treat edema. Add it to salads and other foods and also  use apple cider vinegar directly on swollen areas.  All you need is a cloth that you soak in wine vinegar, and then press your feet a little on it. Proceed from the bottom up (i.e., against gravity) to get fluids out of your urine.

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