7 Body Messages About Dangers Often Thought To Be Harmless

There are some bodily phenomena that are never normal. They can be caused by serious problems and should therefore be addressed and treated as soon as possible.
7 body messages about dangers that are often thought to be harmless

Our bodies send us signs all the time. Often, however, we do not listen to these messages or do not know how they should be interpreted. Today we’ll take a closer look at a few body messages about dangers that shouldn’t be ignored!

Remember, our bodies pay a price for everything we do. It is affected by both poor eating and less exercise than would be necessary.

Therefore, you should pay attention if you receive messages from your body about the dangers that threaten your health.  Keep reading so you can react correctly and avoid harm to your health!

Pain is one of the most common messages in the body about dangers

We often think that if we feel pain somewhere in our body, the feeling will go away. So often we don’t worry about the pain.

It is, of course, the case that you do not have to go to the doctor for all sorts of pain. However, attention should be paid to the symptoms of our body and especially how they change over time.

Pain is the body’s defense mechanism, and it manifests itself so that we understand to pay attention to the fact that something is wrong. And because our bodies are smart, such the most common messages from the body about the dangers to our health should not be ignored.

The main pain symptoms that should be addressed are as follows.

1. Chest pain

body messages hazards: chest pain

If, in addition to this pain, shortness of breath or tachycardia occurs, it may be a symptom that a heart attack is occurring. Such pain is severe and may occur at any time of the day.

If the pain is on the left side of the chest, this is a sign of a possible heart attack. If, on the other hand, it is on the right side of the chest, there may be several different things – chances include a angina, aneurysm, or asthma attack.

So pay attention to the pains associated with your heart. They may be felt in the throat, left arm or abdomen, and may also cause nausea and dizziness.

2. Joint pain

body messages about health hazards: joint pain

Many believe that pain in the joints is a normal thing and is thought to be part of getting older. However, joint pain is one of the most common body messages about the dangers to our health.

However, it should be remembered that in some cases the cause may be an injury or tear.

Above all, remember this: if you notice inflammation and redness in the area where it hurts, it could be rheumatoid arthritis. However, over time, treatments can prevent the problem from getting worse, and they can even prevent rheumatoid arthritis from causing injury, especially to the hands.

Other possible causes of joint pain include:

  • rheumatic fever
  • hepatitis
  • influenza
  • gout
  • osteoarthritis

3. Severe headache

the most common body messages about health hazards

Migraines can be the result of fatigue or excessive stress, and many take painkillers, go to sleep, and then forget about the whole thing.

However, caution should be exercised here, as  headaches may be a symptom of a brain aneurysm.

An aneurysm involves swelling in the artery that brings blood to the brain.

In order to be said to be the problem in question, a few other symptoms must appear at the same time. These include  nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, and seeing beams.

If the problem is severe enough, it can cause bleeding and lead to paralysis. So if you have severe headaches that appear in a short period of time, don’t miss out!

4. Sharp pain in the lower abdomen

body messages hazards: abdominal pain

If the pain is in the lower abdomen, you may have an inflamed appendix.

One of the common symptoms of appendicitis is a cramp that starts at the navel and progresses to the leg. Added to the problem are  nausea, fever and inflammation in that area.

In women, abdominal pain can also be a symptom of ovarian cyst, and pain can then occur on both the right and left sides. When those bags containing fluid break, the pain is unbearable. The remaining sachets must then be removed as soon as possible for the blood to continue to flow into the ovaries.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

Your brain can also give signs that something is not working properly with them.

In addition to the fact that as a person ages, cognitive decline occurs, there are things that tell of a serious disease called Alzheimer’s disease. There is currently no cure for that disease.

So pay attention to the following common symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease if you notice them in your own situation.

1. Forgetting

body messages about dangers: memory impairment

Memory impairment and  difficulty remembering recently learned information are two common symptoms of this disease.

If you don’t remember important dates, ask the same thing over and over, or if you tell the story to the same person many times, it shouldn’t be ignored.

2. Problems in resolving situations

There are other symptoms that indicate Alzheimer’s disease. These include the  inability to follow a plan made or do something that requires thinking or analyzing information. For example, this may include not being able to follow a food prescription exactly, or not being able to act exactly as your doctor has told you to.

At the same time, there may be some difficulty in doing daily things. These include driving a car, remembering the rules of the game, putting on a washing machine, and other similar things.

3. Confusion


If you do not know what day it is, where you are or where you are going,  you will have symptoms that are typical of the onset of this degenerative disease.

If you ask yourself, “Why did I come to the kitchen?” or “What was I looking for in my bedroom?”, these are also typical brands.

If you get lost in the city or on the subway, or  you don’t know where you’re going when you walk,  or if you can’t find a bus stop when you try to return home, you have symptoms that should be considered as possible signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

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