100% Natural Hair Conditioner

Cider vinegar has hundreds of useful uses that are suitable for both beauty and health care. It restores the hair’s beautiful shine and softness, while preventing bacterial and fungal infections, making it an ideal helper for removing and preventing dandruff.
100% natural conditioner for hair

Hair care products used in the shower and left in the hair have been available for years, and many women cannot even imagine their hair care routine without these substances. The shampoo washes the hair and removes grease, while the conditioner is designed to protect and soften the hair.

During a normal shampoo wash, excess sebum, dead skin cells and styling residue left on the hair, as well as environmental contaminants, are washed away. However, shampooing can dry the hair and expose it to damage, for example during heat treatment. At this point, the protection and smoothing of the conditioner is needed, and many feel that the conditioner leaves the hair soft and shiny.

If you want to use all-natural products for hair care and are trying to get rid of chemical products or save a few euros, you can use apple cider vinegar instead of commercial conditioners. The effect of vinegar is largely similar to that of more expensive hair care products.

Keep reading so we’ll introduce you to the benefits of apple cider vinegar for your hair.

Natural hair conditioner: apple cider vinegar


apples and apple cider vinegar

This conditioner requires only two substances: apple cider vinegar and water. Cider vinegar is not recommended to be applied undiluted directly to the skin or hair, as its acidity can dry out the skin and hair. Apple cider vinegar strengthens hair and restores its shine quickly.

On our site, we talk a lot about the use of apple cider vinegar, be it in home cleaning, cooking, health or beauty care. However, many may not know how great a cure for apple cider vinegar specifically for hair and that it can conveniently replace commercial products that often contain harmful chemicals. If you are interested in natural hair care, apple cider vinegar is the right ingredient for you.

The best thing about apple wine vinegar is that it not only softens and clears the hair, but it also prevents e.g. dandruff and make sure that the useful, caring oils of the scalp do not disappear during washing. Below you will find more information about the benefits of apple cider vinegar.

Get rid of dandruff

Apple cider vinegar has a fungicidal and antibacterial effect, making it great for treating itching, flaking and irritation of the scalp. Apple cider vinegar kills dandruff-causing fungi. In addition, vinegar soothes and treats the scalp.

Restore the hair’s natural pH balance


woman combing her hair

Changes in the natural pH of the hair can lead to problems such as dryness or greasing of the scalp.

Unfortunately, many different factors can cause an imbalance in the scalp and hair, and this can make hair brittle and messy. Vinegar quickly restores the pH of the hair to the ideal level (4 to 5.5).

Take care of the scalp oils

It is absolutely essential for the health of the scalp and hair that the scalp produces oil. The oil moisturizes and nourishes the hair from root to tip, and keeps it shiny and strong. The compounds contained in apple cider vinegar enhance the regeneration of hair scales and the retention of the nutrients contained in the oil inside the hair.

Stimulates hair growth


woman washing her hair

Applying apple cider vinegar directly to the scalp stimulates blood circulation in the scalp and hair follicle, while enhancing the natural growth of hair.

Apple cider vinegar kills microorganisms that adversely affect the hair follicles.

Repair broken, branching hair

Regular use of apple cider vinegar improves the health and appearance of hair. Hair breakage and branching are greatly reduced.

Prepare a natural hair conditioner from apple cider vinegar


Hair before and after apple cider vinegar

Be sure to use organic apple cider vinegar. Organic vinegar undergoes a process during which the vitamins, fiber and other beneficial ingredients it contains are preserved in the bottle and not lost.

The aroma of apple cider vinegar is strong, but it evaporates as the hair dries.


  • 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 dl of water
  • Spray bottle


  • Allow the ingredients to warm in a saucepan over low heat.
  • Remove from the heat and allow to cool for half an hour.
  • Pour the liquid into the spray bottle. The conditioner is ready to use.


  • Wash your hair as usual with shampoo and rinse thoroughly. Spray apple cider vinegar all over hair and scalp.
  • Gently rub the scalp with your fingertips in a circular motion.
  • Allow the mixture to soak for a few minutes and rinse.
  • You can use the conditioner every day. Use at least three times a week for best results.

If your hair tends to be greasy, you can make a conditioner using a larger amount of vinegar. However, never apply undiluted vinegar to the hair as its effect is too drastic in itself. First, try to feel the lower dose in your hair and add vinegar to the solution if necessary.

Add this natural hair conditioner to your hair care routine and soon you will notice how beautiful and shiny your hair will look!

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