Collect Papaya Seeds!

Did you know that papaya seeds are one of the best ways to take care of your liver, kidneys and intestines? They contain enzymes and antioxidants that remove toxins from your body.

Papaya is a tropical fruit known around the world for its sensual, sweet taste and variety of nutrients. Usually they use fruit flesh, then eat the papaya alone or as part of a dessert or smoothie. Today, however, many also use their papaya seeds. They are a natural, economical way to improve health.

Although seeds are usually thrown away, now people know that there are several nutrients in them that have many benefits for your body. Read more and we will tell you their 6 best benefits.

1. Papaya seeds improve your gut health

papaya seeds good for the gut

Thanks to the high amount of digestive enzymes and the parasiticidal property,  papaya seeds are great for encouraging good intestinal health. 

  • They contain an alkaloid compound that promotes the expulsion of rotting parasites in your gut and prevents inflammation. 
  • They are also great for your microbial growth as they help level the pH.

How are they used?

  • Grind several dried papaya seeds and add them to a cup of boiling water. 
  • Leave on for a few minutes, add honey and enjoy two or three times a day. 

2. They help eliminate toxins from the liver

Due to their nutrient content, these seeds have been used in Eastern medicine to cleanse the liver.

Their digestive enzymes along with antioxidants help break down toxins that accumulate in the tissue. 

They are also a great help in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver and gallstones caused by hepatitis. 

How are they used?

  • Enjoy 5 seeds, fresh or dried,  twice a day for a month. 
  • Alternatively, you can add them to smoothies or fruit juice. 

3. They protect the kidneys


People at risk for kidney problems can find help in consuming these small seeds on a daily basis.

They are anti-inflammatory and contain antioxidants, thus helping to cleanse your urinary tract and kidneys. This helps prevent inflammation and kidney failure.

How do I use them?

  • Chew 6 or 7 papaya seeds 3 times a day. 
  • Supplement your treatment with  6-8 cups of water a day. 

4. They fight inflammation

happy woman and papaya

Papaya seeds contain high amounts of natural enzymes that help control inflammation in your body tissues. 

Papain and chymopapaine act as factors that trigger inflammation, helping to reduce the effects of the following diseases:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Gout
  • Asthma
  • Osteoarthritis

5. They help you lose weight

woman on scales

Papaya seeds can be a great help for people trying to lose weight.

Their cleansing and digestive properties encourage the breakdown of fat accumulated in the body.  At the same time, they help optimize your metabolism.

They also help your body prevent sugar buildup,  which is a key factor in controlling your weight.

How are they used?

  • Grind several papaya seeds and mix them in a glass of warm water.
  • Enjoy on an empty stomach every day. 

6. Prevent stomach infections

Thanks to their antibiotic and anti-inflammatory compounds, these seeds are a natural way to fight stomach infections.

They effectively fight harmful microorganisms such as salmonella  and  staphylococcus .

In addition, they help reduce bloating and  help remove waste and gases from your body. 

How do I use them?

  • Take 5 papaya seeds, dry them and grind them into flour. 
  • Then make chamomile tea and add the powder. 
  • Allow to cool until the tea is drinkable, and drink.
  • Repeat the treatment 2 or 3 times a day until the symptoms are under control. 

As you can see, papaya seeds are really worth preserving. They are awesome for your health  and can help with the symptoms of many conditions.

Try them and see for yourself!

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