Dangers Of Uric Acid – How To Avoid It Accumulating In The Body

Dangers of uric acid - this will prevent it from accumulating in the body

Uric acid is present in all of our bodies and is a completely natural compound that usually does not cause any problems. However, excessive amounts of uric acid can lead to diseases such as painful gout, so it is important to eat foods that balance the amount of uric acid in the body. If you suffer from gout, it is absolutely important to know which foods will help control your uric acid.

Uric acid is a chemical substance that the body produces naturally. It is a nitrogenous acid excreted in the urine from human purine metabolism, the salts of which are urates and which accumulates in the tissues in gout. Uric acid consists of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. Most of the uric acid is absorbed into the body without leaving traces and the excess acid is transported through the blood to the kidneys, which filter it in the urine and through it out of the body.

Excessive uric acid in the body can cause problems, for example gout and the formation of urinary stones due to excess uric acid. Excess uric acid accumulates in the joints and forms clusters that cause pain, inflammation and swelling. If your family has a predisposition to uric acid problems, you can prevent them by focusing on the right kind of diet.

Men are generally more prone to the accumulation of excess uric acid, but other factors also affect the secretion and amount of uric acid. If you have gout in your family, or if you live a very stressful life, are overweight, have diabetes, or have high blood pressure, the risk of excessive uric acid secretion increases significantly.

Harmful foods

First of all, it is important to eliminate foods that increase the amount of uric acid from your diet:

  • Red meat
  • Seafood
  • Viscera
  • Alcohol
  • Carbonated drinks such as soda

Foods that help control the amount of uric acid



eat apples to avoid the dangers of uric acid

Apples contain a lot of water, which helps filter out excess uric acid from the body and speeds up the metabolism.

Apples are a natural diuretic and contain a lot of antioxidants that reduce blood pressure, protect the protective mucous membranes of the internal organs, prevent the formation of cancer cells, reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, prevent the development and worsening of asthma and inflammatory diseases such as rheumatism.

So an apple a day might well keep your doctor away! Enjoy an apple for a snack, a soft drink, a smoothie or a fry.


Delicious artichoke evens out the amount of uric acid by making it easier to filter into the urine and through it out of the body. Artichoke has a diuretic effect that removes excess fluid and accompanying harmful ingredients.

In addition to this, artichoke has many other health benefits, it lowers cholesterol, lowers triglycerides in the blood, treats diseases such as anemia, diabetes and gout, and softens gallstones.


Ordinary onion effectively controls the amount of uric acid. Eating onions also has other beneficial effects, as it e.g. improves blood circulation, prevents blood clots and keeps blood vessels flexible and healthy. Onions contain a lot of iron, phosphorus and vitamin E, so it is suitable for the treatment of anemia, for example.

The potassium in onions, in turn, reduces excess fluid from the body, relieves high blood pressure, gout symptoms and prevents the formation of painful kidney stones.


Delicious cherries reduce the amount of uric acid, as they have a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. Cherry prevents the development of heart disease and the development of cancer cells. If you suffer from sleep problems or poor sleep rhythm, you can find help in this cherry.

Cherries are full of vitamins E and C, magnesium, fiber and iron, making them a great addition to your daily diet. Cherry also prevents memory problems, soothes inflammation and e.g. rheumatism and gout symptoms.



eat strawberries to avoid the dangers of uric acid

Strawberries are one of the best berries to eliminate uric acid. Strawberries have an antioxidant and diuretic effect that suppresses inflammatory and disease-causing ingredients in the body, and removes excess fluid. The fiber of strawberries keeps the stomach happy and the intestines in good condition, in addition, consuming strawberries gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Strawberries contain vitamins B, C and K, as well as potassium. Strawberries promote eye health, fight the effects of aging, prevent skin loosening and reduce cellulite.


Everyone’s body contains some uric acid. Uric acid only causes problems if, for one reason or another, it can accumulate too much. It is a good idea to start prevention on time, as such problems are much easier to treat with anticipation than until the onset of symptoms.

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