Fight The Flu Daily

Oranges are good for the common cold, as they contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps get rid of the flu faster.
Fight the flu daily

When the season changes to winter and the weather gets colder, many people get the symptoms of the flu, which can prevent them from doing everyday things in the normal way. When you have the flu, you often feel tired and can’t get out of bed all day.

As the weather cools, a person’s resistance begins to weaken. This makes you more likely to get the flu or cough, among other things.

When you know that when winter comes, you are more prone to these ailments, you can prepare for a change in the weather by adopting a daily routine to fight the disease. It allows you to defend yourself and curb the effects of the arrival of winter on your health and daily life.

Get rid of the flu daily

Ron Eccles, a researcher at the Center for Common Cold at the University of Cardiff in the UK, gives a few guidelines to help you fight the symptoms of colds and get rid of the  flu in just one day.

7 a.m.: take a hot shower

If you wake up in the morning due to the flu, your joints are sore, and you feel like you might be getting a headache, a hot shower is a good way to start the day. Hot water helps to relax and steam prevents clogging of the sinuses. 

8 a.m.: Healthy breakfast

Flu on top - vegetable soup to help

Good nutrition is extremely important when you want to recover quickly from the flu. Breakfast is an essential meal here so you can start your day well as well as fight effectively against the worsening of flu symptoms.

You can drink freshly squeezed orange juice as well as eat a bowl of berries and oats. The berries are rich in antioxidants and you get a suitable amount of extra energy from oats. You can also start the day with  vegetable or chicken soup.

10 a.m.: steam treatment

Suffering from the flu means that your nose is blocked and you produce more mucus than usual. Because of this, you cannot breathe as well as normal.

When the sinuses of the nose are blocked, it is normal to suffer from inflammation of the cavities. It also includes a severe headache. In this case, it may be a good idea to get some common medicine from a pharmacy for congestion, or you can alternatively use flu products from the health food store.

You can also treat yourself at home with steam, for which you only need a bowl of boiling water. Kumarra got over the bowl and cover it with a towel for 5 minutes.  This is an ideal and natural way to soften and clear the airways.

At noon: go for a walk

flu and walking

While going out in the cold may seem like a scary thought to a flu person, walking before lunch is a good idea. It improves mood and enhances resistance.

Don’t be afraid to hurt your body if you go out a little. However, make sure you are warm enough to dress.

1 pm: lunch

Instead of eating something unhealthy for lunch,  it would be a good idea to make grilled chicken with a salad. The proteins you get from chicken help your body produce cells that are important for resistance. They also improve your ability to fight the flu.

The vegetables in a salad are high in antioxidants and nutrients that are vital when you have the flu and are fighting it.

3 p.m .: healthy drink

Orange juice and flu

For an afternoon snack, it’s best to drink hot herbal tea to help thin out the mucus you secrete. This will help the mucus to get out of your body. You can also drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice instead of tea. The vitamin C it contains is good for the healing process.

6 pm: dinner

For dinner, the flu would be good to eat heavily seasoned food, such as curry or chili con carnea. Seasoned foods help raise body temperature. This in turn contributes to the rapid disappearance of flu symptoms.

Other suitable food items for dinner include ginger, garlic and pepper. These are all known for their anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. They also help relieve the flu as well as empty the sinuses of the nose.

8 pm: relaxing bath

in the bathtub

Towards the end of the day, it is very likely that you will feel tired from the flu and that your muscles will be sore. In order to be able to sleep well and to be able to relax your muscles, you should take a hot bath an hour or two before going to bed.

You can add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the water as this will increase the effectiveness of the bath against the flu.

10 pm: to rest and sleep for 8 hours

During the flu, it is important to go to bed early and get a long enough night’s sleep. A good night’s sleep improves resistance and counteracts the symptoms of the flu. 

Avoid strong drinks such as coffee or alcohol before going to bed as they may interfere with your sleep.

So the next time you have the flu, try these easy tips to heal faster!

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