21 Ways To Reduce 500 Calories A Day

21 ways to reduce 500 calories a day

If you don’t succeed in weight loss, it’s because your lifestyle hasn’t changed enough. In this article, we provide 21 tips to reduce your 500 calories a day. They are not impossible and definitely worth a try.

Be active

Do not sit in front of a computer or TV all day. For example, when talking on the phone, you can walk around a room or office. Humiliate your favorite music in the head and wave your legs at its pace. Anything that allows you to get a little movement in your day.

Don’t eat nuts

Especially from a big bowl. Studies show that the large dose size affects the amount of food eaten. Nuts are good for the heart, but they are high in calories (a handful contains about 175 calories). If the nuts are close to your heart, choose pistachios as the same amount contains only 80 calories.


don't eat a lot of nuts

Do not eat in front of the telly

According to research, this makes you eat 300 more calories because you no longer care what you put in your mouth. Instead, eat at the dining table and turn off the TV. With the same effort, you can skip the movie after the meal and move instead.

Salads are healthy up to a certain point. If you add ham, cheese, bacon, nuts, mayonnaise or sauces, a healthy salad can turn into a calorie bomb. Try to use only four ingredients in a salad.

Use smaller plates

Use a smaller plate than usual and as a result you will also eat smaller portions. If you have been taught to eat a plate empty, this remedy can be helpful.

reduce 500 calories a day: eat less

Choose an espresso

The coffees sold in cafes are often quite large. One coffee or even chocolate-flavored coffee can contain up to 670 calories. A small espresso, on the other hand, contains only 30 calories.

Count the delicacies

If chips or biscuits are pleasant, they don’t have to be left out altogether. Grab a few biscuits and save the final package for later. A large bowl of chips while tempting to eat all the goodies at once.

Serving utensils off the table

Many families tend to sit at a table covered with serving dishes that contain a heap of delicious food. This, in turn, tempts you to squirm time and time again. So dispense the portions on the plate.


big family eating together

Say “no” to cocktails

The cocktail contains canned juices and plenty of sugar, which can accumulate as many as 800 calories from a glass. Avoid such drinks and prefer natural juices or citrus-flavored water.

Eat less pasta

A plate of pasta without sauce contains 220 calories. To this, when you add the sauce, the number of calories can increase many times over. Prefer whole grain options.

Invite fewer guests to eat

If you eat with more than seven people, your portion sizes are sure to be larger. For a larger group, a little too much food should always be made in case, in which case the portion sizes of the diner will also increase.

Do not eat the plate empty

According to a weight loss expert, 25% of food should be left on the plate. This, of course, should not be wasted, but saved for lunch the next day, for example.

Order a smaller dose

Especially in fast food restaurants, it is often possible to order a higher portion for an additional fee. Instead, share a French or dessert with a companion.

Avoid smoothies

Smoothies are delicious and refreshing especially in the summer, but a large glass of banana, milk and sugar easily contains 800 calories. Prefer fruit juices and unsweetened smoothies instead .

coffee drink with cinnamon

Pay attention to hidden fats

Note the use of oil in cooking, as a tablespoon of oil contains 124 calories.

Sleep enough

Recent studies show that people who sleep less than 7 hours also eat more. Instead of daydreams, you might eat an extra snack. You will save at least 100 calories when you sleep enough.

Hosted or hosted

A business trip, cooking, cleaning and table setting burns calories and that’s why it’s more profitable to host a party than to be a guest.

Refuse soda

A glass of sugary drink contains about 200 calories. Water is always the best option to quench your thirst.

Fill yourself with less

The stomach can be tricked into being less satisfied. You can drink a cup of low-calorie soup before lunch or dinner. A glass of water before eating can also help.

Pay attention to the signs

Your stomach will notify you when it is satisfied. Instead of looking at the situation on a plate, pay attention to what your stomach is telling you.

reduce 500 calories a day by drinking sugar-free tea

Prefer sugar-free drinks

Even if you drink some healthy tea, adding sugar to it can lead to weight gain. Use natural sweeteners such as stevia or omit sweeteners altogether.

By following these tips you can definitely reduce at least 500 calories a day! If you really want to lose weight, you need to change your daily habits.

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