6 Great Uses For Baking Soda

Baking soda – this product has already been the subject of several of our articles. Indeed, it is extremely useful in both home and beauty care; however, many prefer to use expensive commercial chemicals, even though baking soda is a completely natural, inexpensive, and capable option.
6 great uses for baking soda

Baking soda can solve many home problems. The secret of this product is its fine alkalinity, which makes baking soda excellent, for example, for removing stains, eliminating odors and even maintaining body hygiene.

So this time we give 6 great uses for baking soda. You should definitely seize the opportunity and start using this “miracle substance” to solve numerous problems!

1. Clearing sewer jams


many surprising uses for baking soda: cleaning

Everyone has ever experienced the dilemma of this home: the sink or bathroom drain becomes clogged, and you can only get rid of the blockage with some special treatment. However, if you don’t want to buy commercially available liquids that are expensive and powerful, you might want to try baking soda to clean the pipes, as it also works effectively for this purpose.

What is needed for this?

  • 1 dl baking soda
  • Liter of hot water

How to act?

This is a very simple way to open the drains. First you should put baking soda directly in the drain, and immediately after that you put hot water. Very efficient, affordable and fast!

2. Remove chemical odors from clothing


towels and baking soda

Often when you buy a new towel, bathrobe or even a t-shirt, there is an unpleasant smell of chemicals in the fabric. Colors and other substances may also make the fabric stiff or rough. So try baking soda to improve the texture and smell of textiles.

What is needed for this?

  • 1 dl baking soda

How to act?

For example, if you want to remove the unpleasant odors produced by the chemicals of two towels and one t-shirt, you first need to soak the textiles in warm water with about 1 dl of baking soda. The next day, wash the textiles as usual. Get ready!

3. Deodorizing pet pee stains

many surprising uses for baking soda: cat pee smell off

If you have a dog or cat, you know for sure what this problem is all about. Maybe there’s a certain angle where your dog likes to pee, or there’s some point in the cat’s box where the smell is worst. You may not just want to remove odors, but disinfect the area to make it safe for your pet’s health. So do the following.

What is needed for this?

  • 2.5 dl of vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons baking soda

How to act?

This is an easy trick. All you have to do is mix baking soda with vinegar, and then this liquid should be sprayed on the areas you want to clean and disinfect. Allow the liquid to act for 2 hours, then rinse the area with water.

4. Clean the bathroom tiles

many surprising uses for baking soda: bathroom cleaning

With this simple home cleaning tip, you can keep your bathroom shiny with very little effort. So do the following if you want to use baking soda for this purpose as well.

What is needed for this?

  • 2 dl baking soda
  • 3 drops of tea tree oil
  • 1 dl of vinegar
  • Hot water

How to act?

Mix all the ingredients together and put them in a container. Use a sponge so you can lightly rub your bathroom tiles. You can see how your tiles are starting to shine more and more clearly – thanks to tea tree oil, they also become disinfected and fragrant. Awesome natural combination of ingredients!

5. Remove odors from the refrigerator

Baking soda for removing odors from the refrigerator

Sometimes when you open the fridge, you get an unpleasant smell of cold food. Nothing may be old in your fridge, but the smell is still bad. What can be done about this problem? Don’t worry – baking soda is your best friend here too, as it’s great for banishing fragrance from the fridge.

What is needed for this?

  • 1 dl baking soda
  • 5 dl warm water

How to act?

Empty the refrigerator. Mix water and baking soda, and then use a cloth to wipe the inside of the refrigerator. You can also try the following effective tip if you want to fight odors: leave a cup of baking soda behind the fridge – this will absorb bad odors.

6. Remove odors from old books

book smells off with baking soda

Many people actually like the smell of old books, but sometimes they would still want to get rid of it. This smell can bring a certain coziness and even romance, of course, but it can still be a nuisance when reading, so if you want to fade the smell of your books, try the following const.

What is needed for this?

  • 1 dl baking soda
  • A plastic bag in which you can put your book

Once again, an easy way to use baking soda to solve problems. Just put your book in a bag that also has baking soda. Close the bag properly, and keep it closed for a week so you can remove odors and mold. You will really be happy with the results of this treatment!

So start using the great properties of baking soda to clean your home – you will get affordable and natural help for many problems with this product!

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