Zero Contact: A Cure For Mental Addiction

While it can be extremely difficult, zero contact with the person you depend on can help you get over him or her and start putting yourself ahead.
Zero contact: a cure for mental addiction

Spiritual addiction binds you to your partner for fear of being alone and for fear of not finding anyone else. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce zero contact in such situations.

Sometimes this kind of addiction makes you look for new partners who can hurt you. It can happen through physical or psychological abuse, manipulation, lies, or betrayal.

We need to make it clear that all human relationships based on mental dependence are harmful.

Mental addiction, or “I can’t live without you”

a passionate and suffering hug

The fear of being alone can make you believe that you cannot live without your partner. However, this is not the case.

If that person leaves and abandons you, it is not possible to get back together with him. So what do you do? Are you jumping into another relationship right away?

People who fear being alone and who are dependent on others do so for a reason. They believe this is the only way they can be happy. Their self-esteem is so low that their lives and personalities depend on the person to whom they are committed.

Because of this, as they go through the difference, they feel empty. They have not taken care of themselves. They don’t know if they like themselves or what their dreams are. They are lost.

The reason they are so attached to something is not because they think it is a lifelong relationship. It’s not even because they think they can’t live without this person. That’s because they can’t live without someone – anyone – another!

Because of this, it  is normal for them to continue looking for a relationship one after another.  They all fail, but they don’t know why. The reason is that they choose their partner based on need. Not a sense of true love.

Displeasure and dissatisfaction, along with the recurrence of a similar relationship, make such people seek professional help.

Recommended method? Zero contact.

The importance of zero contact for a person with mental addiction

zero contact is the best way to let go

A psychologist may recommend the use of zero contact to a person you are addicted to. When this is recommended, it will seem impossible to you.

Imagine blocking him on WhatsApp , deleting his phone number, or saying “no” when he contacts you to meet you. It may seem impossible.

Sometimes such people feel guilty and then fall into their own trap.  After that, they feel bad. This kind of dependent relationship prevents you from being happy, and you know it.

In fact, every  addicted person has bright moments. That’s when he says “I have to leave,” “it would be better to be alone than with this person” or “he doesn’t make me feel good”.

However, this power can take over from you at certain times. In addition, it clearly tells you that the road leads to situations that lead you down the wrong path.

Patience, effort and time

hourglass sand draining

Getting out of a mentally addictive relationship and introducing zero contact doesn’t happen overnight.

Just like with any other addiction, you need time and patience. Difficult steps come up. You will ignore the zero contact. However, you have taken a step forward.

Everyone who is mentally addicted falls into the same stumbling block over and over again. They do so until they have bright moments more and more often.

When the right moment arrives, their eyes begin to open to everything. Then they can make a decision that is undoubtedly in their best interest.

You too can get rid of mental addiction. You can climb over thoughts that tell you you’ve failed without your partner,  or thoughts that tell you you need someone else to be happy.

Once you step out of your tendency to drift into addictive relationships, you can begin to love yourself, take care of yourself, and respect yourself. This way you can build a healthy relationship where you are not dependent on anyone or need anyone else.

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