The Most Effective Natural Treatments For Toothache

Toothache causes a lot of discomfort and can be detrimental to life if not treated in time.
The most effective natural treatments for toothache

Toothache is the result of nerve root irritation, either due to either chemical, mechanical, or temperature factors. This factor causes nerve irritation, which the brain usually interprets as a very strong painful stimulus. Toothache usually gets worse if it is not treated quickly. In this article, we provide effective natural treatments for toothache.

Symptoms of toothache

  • The most typical symptom is the toothache itself. But the pain changes. It usually gets worse, then calms down a bit, and reappears suddenly.
  • Discomfort or pain in the jaw area.
  • Difficulty swallowing or chewing food.
  • Sensitivity to cold and hot.

Causes of toothache

Although people believe that toothache is usually caused by a hole in the tooth, it is not actually the only cause of toothache. Sometimes the pain is not even related to the tooth.

Here are the most common causes of toothache:

  • Holes
  • Tooth neck exposure
  • Gingivitis
  • Split teeth
  • Tooth decay
  • Abscesses
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Jaw cysts
  • Inflammation of the sinuses

Depending on the cause of the toothache, other symptoms may also occur. These symptoms help diagnose its cause. These include e.g. bleeding gums, thick mucus, fever and earache.

Important information

Caries is one of the biggest causes of toothache. It is basically a multifaceted disease that causes local and progressive destruction of tooth enamel. It usually destroys the enamel first, then the dentin, and when left untreated, it eventually progresses to the gums.

This is what causes the inflammatory reaction and pain, as there are many nerve endings in the area.

Tips for toothache

Here are some helpful tips for toothache:

  • Try to avoid very hard foods that require a lot of chewing.
  • Don’t chew too much.
  • Avoid very hot or very cold foods.
  • Sweets and sugar make toothache worse, so avoid them.
  • Hold the cold bath against the outside of the cheek at the sore tooth. The cold has a pain-relieving effect that helps with toothache a bit. Avoid applying the cold directly inside the mouth as it may aggravate the pain.
  • Avoid applying pressure to the sore area. Do not lay your head on the pillow on the side of the sore tooth, but sleep on the other side.

The most effective natural treatments for toothache

Garlic stew

Garlic helps relieve toothache

Garlic has many health-promoting properties. It promotes blood circulation and fluid drainage, fights respiratory infections, and is one of the best natural treatments for toothache.


  • 3 crushed cloves of garlic
  • 2.5 dl of water


  • Heat water and crushed garlic cloves until the water boils.
  • Remove from the heat and simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  • Then pour the brew into a cup and drink.

Salt water

The salt momentarily raises the pH of the mouth, creating an alkaline environment harmful to bacteria. If the pain is due to an infection caused by food debris between your teeth, antiseptic salt may be helpful.


  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 2.5 dl of water


  • Put the salt in the water and mix well.
  • Spray the solution to kill the bacteria in the mouth that are the cause of the toothache.


Chewing parsley helps relieve toothache

This iron-containing spice plant has antioxidant properties. Chewing raw parsley several times a day will also help relieve toothache.


  • 3 sprigs of parsley


  • Chew parsley in the area of ​​the mouth where the toothache occurs.
  • We recommend doing this carefully so that the pain does not get worse.

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