Abdominal Fat Reduction: 6 Problems

Do you have great difficulty reducing the amount of fat that has accumulated in the abdominal area? Now we will explain the reasons for this inconvenience and give the best advice to help you reach your goal!
Reducing belly fat: 6 problems

There are other reasons why you want to get rid of belly fat than what your body looks like.

Belly fat is not an aesthetically pleasing thing in general, this is obvious, of course, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that it is not healthy.

Excess fat in the abdomen is a direct cause of many diseases,  including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and insulin resistance.

Reducing fat in this area of ​​the body is not an easy task, nor will it happen overnight – there needs to be consistency, commitment and lifestyle change for the better as much as possible.

So this time, we want to help you overcome this dilemma – in what follows, we’ll talk about how to reduce belly fat by following a few simple steps.

Keep reading if this is your goal too!

Six reasons why reducing belly fat is so difficult

reduction of belly fat

1. You still eat too much industrially processed food

You can embark on a diet and follow it meticulously. In addition, you may start doing the exercises that have been recommended for you, and yet you may not see any of the results you want in your stomach. What goes wrong here when your stomach doesn’t recognize all the effort you’ve been through?

  • One of the main reasons for this is that you still enjoy too much industrially processed food: white bread, biscuits and chips, as well as processed sugars, carbonated drinks and sweeteners.
  • So remember one thing: belly fat is associated with inflammation, so too much processed food makes it much more difficult to eliminate fat in that area.

2. You think it is right to eliminate all fats from your diet

avocado salad

There are people who think this is healthy. They choose not to eat fat and eliminate many products from their diet that would actually help burn belly fat.

In our articles, we have already reported several times about good fats, which are called monounsaturated fats. These work to fight inflammation and  help treat the heart as well as help put the weight at the right level.

So don’t hesitate to add foods with this type of fat to your diet – examples include:

  • olive oil
  • avocado
  • nuts
  • sunflower seeds
  • fatty fish (like salmon)

3. You may not be moving the right way

Sometimes it’s not enough to go for a walk for half an hour, go swimming, dance or do yoga if the goal is to reduce belly fat.

All of these routines are healthy, but in fact, they don’t force you to exercise the “key areas” in terms of belly fat, which are the abdominal muscles, hips, and back, like some other similar points.

Reducing belly fat requires a little more effort, so here it is necessary to follow a highly targeted exercise program in order to reach your goal.

4. You suffer from stress

headache and stress

This is important because not everyone takes stress into account and makes the necessary changes.

You can follow a great diet that is highly recommended for you, and you may also visit the gym as well as get advice from an instructor regarding the movements you should do to make your stomach as firm as possible. You may still not see any changes in your body. What is causing this?

  • Long periods of stress alter the metabolism  and increase the amount of cortisol in the blood.
  • Due to this higher amount of cortisol in the blood, there is a risk that visceral fat will increase and “come out” more easily.

5. You are not getting enough sleep

Remember and keep in mind this vital advice permanently: if you sleep less than six hours a night, you are harming your life, your health and your psychological well-being.

In addition, if you spend 2-3 months in a row sleeping only 5-6 hours a night, you will not only make it impossible for belly fat to decrease, but you will also be at risk for weight gain and the development of diabetes.

7. Is the shape of your body a “pear”?

This may seem strange, but the reason is that body shape matters, and the hereditary tendency to accumulate fat in certain areas of the body is also an essential factor for belly fat.

  • Women with a slimmer upper body (face, breasts, arms, etc.) tend to accumulate fat in the abdomen and hips.
  • In this case, and for hereditary reasons, it is common for it to be more difficult to get fat reduced from these areas. However, the difficulty does not mean that it is impossible to reduce belly fat.

The best tips to reduce belly fat and shape your body

woman doing exercises with exercise tape

Even at the beginning of the article, we said the following truth: Getting a firm and slender stomach – one with less fat – requires many lifestyle changes.

Now, then, it is important to remember that in order to bring about this change, it is essential to promote change in your own mind as well.

That’s why you should take simple sentences and repeat them daily:  “I ’m losing weight” (instead of saying “I want to lose weight”) or “I’m proud of my effort” (instead of saying “I’m going to work hard”).

These sentences allow you to emphasize what you are currently doing and the result you want, and not just a simple process – sometimes we ignore this aspect too little or completely.

Keep in mind these recommendations that will help you get rid of belly fat. Here are the changes you should make now if you want to reach your goal quickly:

  • Start your day with a glass of hand-warm water and lemon juice. During the day you can enjoy sage tea.
  • Enjoy soluble fiber, reduce your intake of processed carbs, and don’t skip meals during the day.
  • Eliminate alcohol and trans fats from your diet. Replace the last ones with monounsaturated fats and increase your protein intake.
  • Manage stress and do aerobic exercise and strength training.
  • Sleep 7-9 hours a night.
  • Eat salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines, as well as other fish of the same type.
  • Eat probiotic foods that treat intestinal vegetation.
  • Follow your diet and this advice with someone else. Namely, if you have a common goal with a friend, family member, or partner, you will be more motivated to achieve your goal.

Finally, we should not expect results in a few weeks or even months.

Also, keep in mind that  these guidelines need to be followed permanently  so that you can keep your lifestyle and diet good enough for the changes you want.

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