Alkalizing Health Foods – 8 Menus

Constant stress causes the body to become unbalanced. If you want to keep your health good, you should start each day with a glass of room temperature water that comes with a little lemon juice.
Alkalizing health foods - 8 menus

Why would it be beneficial for health to follow an alkalizing diet? You may have heard this word many times already, and it is absolutely true that an alkalizing diet is health-promoting. Namely, it would be good for the body to have a slightly basic pH in order to be in balance, and balance always means health. So read on, as this time we present 8 menus that include foods that alkalize your body so you can increase your well-being.

Most of the foods we eat every day are actually too acidic to be healthy. Salt, fat, industrially processed foods, pastries… All of these products cause your body to produce an acidic environment for your cells, which then increases the risk of suffering from health problems in the long run. So what can you do to avoid this phenomenon? Next, incorporate more alkaline foods into your diet and start following the guidelines below to help you achieve a balance between alkalinity and acidity in your diet.

Alkalizing foods: 8 breakfast options

Alkalizing foods take care of the body’s acid balance.

As we have often said, it would be best to start the day with a glass of room temperature water with a little lemon juice. This drink should always be enjoyed on an empty stomach, and breakfast should be waited for half an hour. In the meantime, you can even take a shower or get ready, and after those 30 minutes, you might want to try one of these good breakfast options:

  • A bowl of chopped apples and watermelon, with the addition of almond milk.
  • Spinach egg and a glass of carrot juice.
  • Green tea, pita bread and cherry tomatoes.
  • Apple and beetroot footie. Pumpkin bread and honey.
  • Wheat germ spinach leaves. A glass of freshly squeezed pineapple juice.
  • Pear juice, a bowl of sour cherry tomatoes, chopped watermelon, and hazelnuts or almonds.
  • Green tea, a bowl of dates and dried fruit. An omelet with two cloves of garlic.
  • A glass of natural apple juice and two carrots cooked and fried with cinnamon. Pita bread with a few cherry tomatoes. Delicious!

Alkalizing foods: 8 lunch options

It is a good idea to include both acidic and alkaline foods in your diet.

Then it’s lunch time, and as you might already guess, our suggestion is a light and fresh salad. If you like salads, you can get creative here and prepare numerous delicious portions full of vitamins and nutrients. The following combinations will give you a balanced pH in your body as they have the perfect ratio of alkaline and acidic foods.

  • Green salad: Arugula, lettuce and cabbage. Black olives. Cucumbers and several red grapes. Add a little tofu, and use apple cider vinegar and a little olive oil as a sauce. On another plate, you can put a serving of hummus – as you know, this isn’t just chickpea puree, but a really delicious addition to your lunch.
  • Vihersmoothie: A smoothie with cabbage, half an avocado, cucumber, celery and half a glass of water. You should add a little olive oil. Also enjoy pita bread and cherry tomatoes.
  • Spinach-garlic  egg and salad with avocado, walnut, celery and arugula.
  • Steamed Brussels sprouts, apple cider vinegar and olive oil. A glass of beetroot and apple juice. Cherry tomatoes and chopped garlic.
  • Grilled chicken breast, grass bag and asparagus. Endive salad and a little apple cider vinegar.
  • Cabbage, spinach and celery juice. Pita bread with mustard, watercress, tomato and avocado.
  • Scrambled eggs with asparagus. Salad of spinach, walnuts and orange slices.
  • Chicken breast with tomato, garlic and asparagus. Salad with celery, arugula, walnuts and chopped apple.

Alkalizing foods: recommendations for the afternoon

Enjoy a light snack in the afternoon.
  • Natural watermelon juice
  • Almond milk
  • Green tea
  • One chopped apple with walnuts or almonds
  • Any berry, such as blackcurrant or blueberry. These are great supplements in banana smoothies, for example.

Alkalizing foods: 8 dinner options

Enjoy the carrots for dinner.


  • Carrot-pumpkin soup.  Fried salmon with olive oil and grass.
  • Pumpkin puree. Fried chicken breast with mustard and cherry tomatoes.
  • Tuna with basmati rice, sauce with lemon juice and olive oil.
  • Fried pumpkin. Omelet with asparagus.
  • Celery soup with chopped almonds. Pita bread with avocado, cherry tomato and paprika.
  • Hummusta. Salad with arugula, cabbage, tomato and small pieces of turkey breast.
  • One fried potato with  olive oil. Salmon and apple smoothie.
  • Caramelized carrots with cinnamon. Whole grain basmati rice with avocado, raisins and almonds, sauce with half a lemon juice.

All in all, it would be ideal if you could eat this way at least three times a week. However, there is no specific factor that would be most important to keep in mind, but if you live in constant stress, you will not be able to keep your body balanced. This weakens your immune system and causes your pH level to become unbalanced.

When your cells are exposed to high acidity, they are no longer able to carry more oxygen, and this can have detrimental health consequences over a longer period of time. So follow these tips if you want to maintain and improve your quality of life :

  • Eat the alkalizing food combinations we present at least three times a week.
  • Start managing stressful and anxious situations properly.
  • Do regular exercise.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Get regular medical check-ups to control your pH.

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