Avoid These Things Before Exercise

While each of us has our own rituals before exercise, there are some things you should avoid if you really want to benefit from the sport you play. Keep reading as we now tell you what these harmful pre-exercise habits are!
Avoid these things before exercise

Do you really know what would be good just before you exercise? What should you do to get the most out of exercise for your body?

You may want to keep certain things good before sports. However, if implemented at this point in time, they can destroy the benefits of exercise for your business, and thus you will not be able to achieve the goals you have set.

What is worth and should not be done before you exercise?

So before you go to the gym or exercise in your home, you should keep the following tips in mind. This way, you can avoid being in worse shape during your workout, and you can benefit from your abilities in an optimal way.

So these are  five things you should always avoid before exercising. We’ll also tell you what things to do instead, so keep reading!

1. Snooze just before sports

nap before exercise is a bad idea

It is clear that before exercise, many people want to rest. However, this can prevent you from reaching your goals. This happens when you sleep too long before exercising.

If you take a nap that lasts more than 30 minutes, your body goes into a state of deep sleep. This is a dream-like dream you get at night. Daytime sleeps that last more than half an hour will only make you slower and more tired than you were before you slept.

You may sometimes think that you need a nap before exercise. However, if you choose to sleep, make sure you wake up in 15-20 minutes. This will give you time to rest your eyes and body.

However, during this time, you are not fooling your brain into thinking that now is the time to rest for a longer period of time.

2. Stretch before exercise

stretch before exercise

You’ve probably had physical education teachers who advised you to stretch your muscles, especially in tough sports.

However, experts say on this issue that  stretching before exercise can actually do more bad than good. Namely, static stretching before exercise will only reduce muscle strength. At the same time, it increases the risk of straining the muscles harder, although this is not necessary. This  increases the risk of tearing and injury.

So instead of doing static stretches before exercise, you  should warm up your muscles by moving them in one direction or another.

For example, try running, scissor jumping, or pedaling on an exercise bike to warm up your muscles little by little.

Wait until you get to exercise yourself before doing static stretches. They are more useful when you have already relaxed your muscles.

3. Rigorous interval training

High-intensity interval training involves different forms of a particular workout, and this type of exercise interrupts the body’s natural breathing rhythm. This is because this form of exercise involves a change in intensity as the intervals change, and there is also rest between stages.

If this doesn’t convince you yet, remember that interval sports also reduce your endurance and strength quickly. This is something that is certainly not your goal. It is possible that this will happen even at the beginning of your training.

Instead, you should choose some type of heart rate-enhancing exercise to start your session with. There is no need to practice fast running here, and such training is not healthy either.

Instead, choose a hard-intensity workout, and change the movements a bit with a permanent heart rate-boosting workout where the amount of energy required doesn’t change much.

4. Efficient eating or drinking before exercise

eating in a restaurant

After eating, your body begins the process of digestion. You may not be aware that your body needs a very large amount of energy for this process. From this point of view, it is true that perhaps your mother was right to say that you should not go swimming immediately after eating.

When you want to exercise but your body is in the process of digestion, you may  put too much pressure on your body, which can cause stomach cramps and nausea.

Also, if you drink drinks that are high in sugar,  you may be forcing your body to the extremes too early. This will then make it impossible for you to reach the end of your exercise session while achieving your goal.

It is important to keep your diet healthy. This is especially important before sports, as it allows you to give your body the great energy it needs to exercise.

So eat foods like fruit, grains and yogurt, and  avoid sweet products.

Remember that many energy drinks contain large amounts of sugar. Their descriptions should therefore always be read very carefully so that you can be more aware of how energy drinks really help you. On the other hand, you also get to know if, on the contrary, they are detrimental to your health and performance.

5. Eat plenty of supplements

eating supplements

It is good to keep your diet balanced before exercise. If you follow this advice, you will get all the vitamins and minerals you need from your diet – so you don’t have to take supplements.

However, if you decide to eat these products, it is best to keep them in small amounts. Namely, if you take too many supplements, you may cause irregularities in your heartbeat as well as nausea and anxiety, among other things.

You can take supplements to give your body the extra boost you want for exercise, but in the long run,  this habit has more disadvantages than benefits, so supplements are not a good solution.

If you use such pills or powders, it would be best to read their leaflets very well first. So you should know exactly what these products have before you put them in your body.

This will help you make better decisions. This will allow you to know exactly how the nutrients affect your body and what their potential side effects are.

Yes, you can use these products within reason, and you will get better durability and increase your well-being, but their misuse should be avoided in every way.

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