Beliefs About Diabetes That Need To Be Corrected

When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, he or she often loses his or her fighting spirit immediately because of old beliefs. Most of the time, however, none of them are true.
Beliefs about diabetes that need to be corrected

There are many beliefs about diabetes. When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, the most difficult thing for him or her is to accept the sacrifices it requires, especially with regard to eating habits. In addition, he must sacrifice the things mentioned in the numerous beliefs about diabetes. You must have heard these beliefs too.

At this point, the person is frustrated because he has to watch out for everything he puts in his mouth.

It hasn’t been long since he was diagnosed when a patient is already wondering how difficult it is to live with an illness that requires so much care for one’s own health. Beliefs about diabetes overwhelm many desire to fight.

But it must be remembered that even people who do not suffer from diabetes have to watch out for the amount of sweets and unhealthy food they eat so that they do not develop health problems.

Although diabetes is a chronic disease that affects up to 8.5 percent of the world’s adult population, it is still associated with beliefs that are worth forgetting. You can find them below.

 Type 1 and 2 diabetes are similar

blood glucose measuring instruments

These beliefs about diabetes cause people to confuse their treatments with each other, which can even lead to serious health problems. For example, imagine that you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but your family member buys you a medicine for type 1 diabetes. He certainly had good intentions, but instead of improving his order, he makes it worse.

It is important to know what each type of diabetes is like in order to avoid the problems associated with this first belief and to have a clearer picture of the differences between the two types of diabetes.

When a person is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, this means that his body does not produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that everyone needs. Insulin takes energy to cells in the form of glucose.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack insulin-producing cells.

Instead, type 2 diabetes occurs when the body produces insulin but does not use it effectively. When someone has this type of diabetes, it means that their body is suffering from insulin resistance.

If you have this type of diabetes, you may need a small extra dose of insulin to feel better.

People with diabetes should use insulin

This is related to the above belief. Many people think that all people with diabetes have to sting themselves with insulin.

The truth is that insulin peaking is only necessary for patients with type 1 diabetes. In contrast, only 30% of people with type 2 diabetes use insulin.

This is because type 2 diabetes can be controlled with oral medications that reduce the amount of sugar in the bloodstream and promote the secretion of insulin in the body.

Both diabetes can be treated by following an exercise routine and a healthy diet. This helps prevent high blood sugar and even keeps your blood pressure constant.

In the case of type 2 diabetes, you can reduce the amount of your medication if you are in good health. Instead, and as we mentioned above, people with type 1 diabetes must use insulin for the rest of their lives, as well as follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding diet and exercise.

A person with diabetes cannot eat carbohydrates

carbohydrate sources

Of course you can eat carbs! But if you have diabetes, you can enjoy them only in small amounts. However, this does not mean that you should eliminate them completely from your diet.

To disprove this third belief about diabetes, you may want to visit a nutritionist so he or she can advise you on the right amount of carbs for you.

The mind is not evil, but you need to take care of your health so that you can allow yourself a treat from time to time. However, if snacking on treats becomes a daily habit, you are endangering your health and maybe even your life.

You should reduce the following types of carbohydrates from your diet because they are artificial and have poor nutritional value:

  • Bread
  • Sugar
  • Sweeteners
  • Limut
  • Confectionery

There are also fibrous carbohydrates such as carbohydrates from lentils, beans, pumpkins and potatoes. They help keep your blood sugar relatively even.

Eating too much sugar causes diabetes

This is the most common belief about diabetes. In fact, many studies have shown that eating too much sugar does not cause this disease. Instead, diabetes is the result of a complex relationship between carbohydrates and sugars.

You may also suffer from diabetes due to bandage or being overweight, or as a result of how your body adapts to the factors mentioned above.

Also, you should remember that not all sugars are created equal. For example, the fructose in fruits is less harmful to health than the added sugar in sweets.

Diabetes is not a serious disease

Complications of diabetes

Diabetes is a fairly serious illness. While it cannot kill itself, it can cause serious complications. If you do not treat your illness properly, you are at risk of:

  • Get heart disease
  • Get a cerebral hemorrhage
  • Have to amputate a limb
  • Get blind
  • Get kidney disease

It is sad to see people with diabetes stop taking care of themselves thinking that that disease can’t kill them. While this is true to some extent, it is good to remember that the complications caused by diabetes can be very serious. All beliefs about diabetes should therefore be completely forgotten.



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