Can Sunscreen Be Used As A Moisturizer?

Many people believe that sunscreen can be used as a moisturizer. Both sunscreen and moisturizer should be added to the skin, but always in a certain order.
Can sunscreen be used as a moisturizer?

Many of us have already had time to consider whether sunscreen can be used instead of moisturizer, because especially on hot summer days, using too many creams at the same time usually only makes the skin sweat even more. However, we should know that the functions of sunscreen and moisturizer are not exactly the same.

Next, we’ll share a little more detailed information about the functions of moisturizer and sunscreen, as well as whether the use of sunscreen can replace moisturizer. Keep reading!

What you should know before replacing moisturizer with sunscreen

1. The function of sunscreen

Before replacing moisturizer with sunscreen, we should know what the actual use of sunscreen is. Sunscreen is mainly designed to protect the skin from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, or UV radiation, i.e. the purpose of the grease is to prevent both harmful UV radiation from penetrating the skin and to reduce the more serious risk of skin damage in the long run.

It is therefore important to understand that the purpose of sunscreen is not cosmetic but to protect the skin.  Of course, it is possible that you will also find sunscreen with moisturizing properties on the skin, but keep in mind that the main purpose of sunscreen should always be to protect the skin from the harmful radiation of the sun.

Sunscreen protects the skin from the sun's harmful UV radiation

2. Sunscreens that moisturize the skin

As we mentioned earlier, some sunscreens today also contain skin moisturizing properties. However, it should be added at this stage that mixing the skin’s moisturizing properties with grease, the main purpose of which is to protect the skin from sunlight, may ultimately even reduce the effectiveness of the sunscreen. For this reason, experts always recommend using sunscreen with the highest possible protection factor, or SPF.

However, this does not mean that you could not add sunscreen to the skin after applying the moisturizer, as in this case the sunscreen and moisturizer are not used at the same time, in which case the effectiveness of the sunscreen protection should not decrease at all.

3. Should sunscreen be applied before or after moisturizer?

Based on the above arguments, we can conclude that sunscreen is not recommended for use in place of moisturizer. So the next question is, when should sunscreen be added, before or after moisturizer?

Sunscreen and moisturizer should not be mixed

According to the scientific journal Elsevier, the answer is that the moisturizer should always be applied to the skin a few hours before adding sunscreen.  If sunscreen is added to the skin immediately after the moisturizer, the effectiveness of the sunscreen’s protection against the sun’s UV radiation is likely to decrease.

Whether it’s sunscreen or moisturizer, always keep in mind that the product should only be used for its intended purpose, ie if you have dry skin, use a moisturizer for dry skin and if you plan to spend time in the sun, choose a sunscreen with proper sun protection for your skin. In any case, the importance of using sunscreen should never be underestimated.

The answer to the question at the beginning about whether sunscreen can be used as a moisturizer is simple: the purpose for each skin care product is not created in vain, so switching from one product to another that does not have the same main function is not recommended. So take the best possible care of your skin by keeping the use of sunscreen and moisturizer separate.

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