Clean And Smooth Skin: 4 Tips

Keeping your skin clean and smooth doesn’t require big sacrifices, but it does require a lot of perseverance. For example, if you remove your makeup only 2-3 times a week in the evenings before going to bed, the results may not be good.
Clean and smooth skin: 4 tips

For well-cleansed and smooth skin to be a reality, certain things need to be done just about every single day – without exception and without excuses. Many of us are too lazy to follow a skin care routine that could keep our skin healthier. This will damage it.

Exfoliation, cleansing, lotions and moisturizers are helpful when aiming for thoroughly clean and smooth skin.

Clean and smooth skin

1. Exfoliate your skin


Exfoliation is the first step in cleansing and smoothing the skin.

You may use a good quality cleansing product, but if you don’t peel your skin because you’re not used to this or haven’t found a suitable product, cleansing isn’t enough. It is advisable to exfoliate the skin at least twice a week as this will remove dead skin cells, making the skin cleaner and smoother.

You don’t need any expensive products, and there are three types to choose from:

  • Commercial Exfoliating Products : These come in many brands and cleanse and exfoliate the skin with tiny granules. Exfoliating products are available for all skin types.
  • Homemade exfoliating creams : You can make your own from natural products such as sugar and honey.
  • Cleansing Facial Brushes : These brushes cleanse and exfoliate the skin. You don’t need special soaps – plain face soap is enough.

2. Don’t forget to clean

We recommend washing your facial skin at least once a day, but it would be better both in the morning and in the evening.

Use a soft product such as a cleansing gel or soap. You can use micellar water if your skin is sensitive.

Never go to bed without cleansing your skin. This is very important especially if you have been wearing sunscreen or makeup, or if you have touched your face a lot.

This will help you promote the cleanliness and smoothness of your skin.

3. Use toner


Toners improve the appearance of the skin. While many believe this product is not important, yes it is, very important. Toner refreshes the skin and prepares it for other treatments.

In addition, toners close the pores of the skin, preventing them from collecting dirt. Thus, toner helps prevent blackheads that are hard to leave.

You can use store products or make your own toner.

4. Moisturize the skin properly

Moisturizing is one of the key issues no matter what type of skin you have. This is because moisture keeps the skin soft and smooth.

You can use the following products to effectively moisturize your skin:

  • Face oils : Some use these primarily for moisturizing, as oils often have specific effects (reduction of pimples, anti-wrinkle, increased skin softness, etc.) and do not make the skin oily.
  • Moisturizers : These keep the skin moisturized and treat it as needed. If your skin is oily, never use a moisturizer for dry skin, otherwise you will make your skin look oily and dirty.
  • Sunscreen : Always put sunscreen out and in the sun, regardless of the season. There are many good sunscreens on offer that don’t make facial skin oily.

Were you already familiar with these basic tips? They are key to keeping your skin smooth and clean. Which one is the most challenging for you in everyday life?

You should try a good cleaning and treatment routine for at least 20 days. This will allow you to get used to a routine that is guaranteed to produce smoother and more youthful skin.

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