Cleanse Your Liver With Beets

Cleanse your liver with beets

The liver is responsible for cleansing the body and filtering out harmful substances. The liver separates toxins and waste products from the blood and prevents their harmful effects on the body. The liver performs up to 500 different functions, but many studies show that there are more of these functions – it seems almost unbelievable that one organ is so strongly involved in the functioning of the whole body. Liver health may not be thought of until it shows signs of functional problems or disease, but the liver should be cared for in the same way as other internal organs.

The liver cleanses itself without external help, as long as it has access to vital nutrients. Sometimes, however, the liver can be overwhelmed when we eat a lot of unhealthy food with its additives, use products containing chemicals, drink alcohol, use drugs, and be exposed to environmental pollutants – this results in a large amount of toxins in the bloodstream and the liver doesn’t have time to process them all.

Fortunately, liver function can be improved by eating certain foods and antioxidants. In this article we will tell you how the liver can be cleaned with beets.

Beetroot is good for the liver


location of the liver

Beetroot has been used for centuries for natural liver cleansing and disease prevention. Beetroot is easy to add to your diet and tastes delicious in many different recipes. The cleansing effect of beets is based on the antioxidants it contains, which prevent the negative effects of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are often responsible for cellular changes and premature aging, as well as cancer.

In addition to antioxidants, beets contain betaline, fiber, iron, betacane, and folic acid, which have beneficial effects on liver health. The pectin contained in beets stimulates liver clearance and the elimination of toxins, which improves liver function.

In addition, beets have been found to cure damaged liver, increase gastric acid production, prevent excessive accumulation of LDL cholesterol, and fight lung, liver, spleen, skin, and colon cancer.

Liver cleansing naturally with beets


beetroot pieces in a jar

This effective treatment is especially suitable for people with liver obesity or whose liver function is limited as a result of excessive alcohol consumption or smoking. Proper functioning of the liver leads to efficient functioning of the whole body, because if the liver is unable to remove toxins from the body, they gradually accumulate and cause various health problems throughout the body.


  • 1 glass jar, capacity about 3 liters
  • 700 g of beets
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 200 g of organic sugar
  • 100 g of raisins


Boil a pot of water. Wash and peel the beets thoroughly. Cut them into small cubes and fold into a glass jar. Add the remaining ingredients afterwards. When the water has boiled and allowed to cool, pour it into a glass jar so that the jar fills to the surface (leave a few centimeters between the water surface and the edge of the jar). Cover the mouth of the jar with a thin, clean cloth to allow the mixture to breathe. Allow the treatment to ferment for 6-7 days under the cloth. Stir the mixture twice a day during the fermentation process. After 7 days, Strain into another glass container and it is ready to drink.


  • Enjoy 3 tablespoons of fluid 3 times a day.
  • Store the mixture in the refrigerator to prevent it from spoiling.
  • Take a three-month break and you can repeat the treatment.

Side effects

  • Eating beets can stain your urine reddish – no need to worry about this. The color is due solely to beet pigments and has no harm to health.
  • If you notice an allergic reaction to beetroot (itching of the mouth and lips after drinking, stomach upset, skin reactions), stop drinking.
  • If you suffer from kidney stones or other kidney problems, this treatment is not suitable for you.
  • Beetroot treatment is not suitable for people with diabetes, because beetroot contains a lot of sugar. In addition, this instruction includes added sugar.
  • Beetroot can relieve constipation as it helps with stool movement in the gut. If you suffer from diarrhea, you should not take this treatment as it may get worse.

As you can see, beetroot has many great abilities – take advantage of them!

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