Habits Harmful To The Kidneys

Habits harmful to the kidneys

The kidneys are invaluable to the body. The kidneys are responsible for cleansing the body, filtering toxins and waste products, and making healthy urine.  Habits that are harmful to the kidneys can lead to problems with their function.

Habits and habits harmful to the kidneys

Take care of your kidneys and their health by embracing a healthy rhythm of life and varied eating habits. Let’s find out what are the habits and habits that are harmful to your kidneys so that you can avoid them in the future.

1. You drink too little water

bad habits: too little water

How many glasses of water should be consumed per day? Sometimes water drinking is forgotten in a hurry and from an old habit you may thirst for sugar juice, soda or coffee. Drinking water is important not only for the kidneys, but for the whole body and should not be ignored.

If the kidneys do not get enough water during the day, it can lead to kidney problems over time . The main function of the kidneys is to remove excess fluid and waste products from the body, keeping the number of red blood cells in the body in balance. If you do not drink enough water, your kidneys will urinate and toxins will start to build up in your bloodstream.

You can avoid these problems by drinking one and a half liters of water a day. In winter, water needs less than in summer. Carry a bottle of water with you and take the particle every now and then. If the water feels dull, you can add lemon juice, mint leaves, lime slices or strawberries to the set. Try what tastes best to you.

2. Urinary retention

habits harmful to the kidneys: urinary retention

Sometimes in a hurry, Malta does not go to the toilet and the pee should be withheld for an hour if at all. Running from meeting to meeting and running everyday life sometimes leaves hardly any time for toilet breaks.

However, urine should not be retained for very long, as when the bladder is full for a long time, it can cause complications in the urinary system, such as swelling and increased pressure in the kidneys. The ability to concentrate also suffers as the pressure in the bladder increases.

Older people in particular should take care of regular toilet breaks, as urinary incontinence is common in older generations. Keep this in mind the next time you procrastinate visiting the toilet.

3. Poor eating habits

habits harmful to the kidneys: mucus

Too salty diet

The main source of sodium is known to be salt, but why is excessive sodium in the diet harmful to health? High amounts of salt put the kidneys hard, as it is the kidneys that process the sodium that enters the body. In the long run, the kidneys can be overwhelmed by the use of excess salt.

Try to reduce the use of salt in the foods you cook and replace it with different spices – we often add too much salt to the food precisely because otherwise it doesn’t seem to taste anything. When there is a lot of spice and fresh herbs in the food, you will not even notice the lower amount of salt. Avoid ready meals and fast food as they are high in salt.

Too much animal protein

All fatty foods, such as animal protein, are harmful to the kidneys. High amounts of fat make the kidneys work slower and filtering toxins more laborious. Avoid red meat and try to replace it with beans, peas and vegetables, for example.

There are a lot of different ingredients in the stores today that support a vegetarian diet that taste just as good and fill the stomach in the same way as animal protein.

Carbonated beverages

Carbonated, sugary drinks are very harmful to the kidneys. Many of us drink lemonade every day. The bad habits of young people in particular are learned as a child and extended well into adulthood.

Reduce or avoid excessive carbonated drinks in your diet as they may cause kidney failure or kidney stones in the future . If you need more motivation to give up soda, think about your teeth! Sugar mucus is a poison to the teeth as it damages the enamel by staining the tooth and causing holes.

Avoid genetically engineered and highly processed foods

One cannot always be sure of the origin of the food, especially when traveling or in a hurry, one should not ask where and under what conditions the food comes from. Laboratory-modified corn, fruits or vegetables, and genetically engineered livestock that grow at an abnormal rate… All of these are part of the modern food industry.

Sometimes food that contains substances harmful to our body ends up on our plate, and it is the kidneys that have to process and filter these substances. Focus on buying organic and domestically produced ingredients, or grow some of the vegetables yourself – this way you can be sure of where the food comes from and what exactly is in it.

4. Smoking and alcohol

Alcohol and tobacco are toxins to the body. Tobacco smoke contains about 7,000 ingredients, more than 60 of which are carcinogenic or at least irritating or toxic chemicals. Alcohol ingested in large quantities can damage the internal organs, especially the kidneys and liver, which have to deal with alcohol.

Avoid smoking and alcohol as much as possible, especially if you suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes. A glass of wine or a bottle of beer every now and then hardly causes irreparable problems, but large amounts many times a month are really dangerous.

5. High blood pressure

bad habits cause high blood pressure

High blood pressure causes problems with kidney function because the blood circulates through them in a certain way and the filtration of toxins does not take place normally. Gradually, this causes kidney problems. Check your blood pressure regularly, as high blood pressure is a rare symptom and can only be detected by measurement. Sometimes high blood pressure manifests as a headache or dizziness, but it is rare.

6. Use of drugs

habits harmful to the kidneys: some medications

You should avoid taking extra medications as much as possible, as medications accumulate in the kidneys and can burden them in the long run. Of course, medications can’t always be avoided, but for example, small headaches can be tried to endure, and not a pop every pain medication.

Medications interfere with the natural functioning of the kidneys and cause kidney symptoms. Use medications as prescribed by your doctor and ask about the effects of different medication options on your kidneys. Often there are drugs that put less strain on them. However, trust your doctor’s word, especially if you suffer from certain diseases or inflammations.

7. Lack of exercise

walking improves kidney function

How many hours a day do you spend sitting? Immobility affects the functioning of the whole body, including the kidneys. Immobility can cause kidney problems in the long run, as the less you move, the more your metabolism slows down.

Exercise makes you sweat and thirst, so you also remember to make sure you drink enough water. Office work and using a car everywhere while driving will prevent you from moving during the day. Try to increase your daily exercise either by walking to work or even by biking to the grocery store.

Half an hour of low-speed exercise is enough to take care of your body, and the more exercise you get, the better. Not everyone enjoys running, and one shouldn’t force oneself on a jogging trail if it’s a sheer fight every time. So find a sport that suits you that you don’t feel compelled to pursue. Bring a friend or spouse along and you won’t slip so easily from an agreed exercise date.

Habits that are harmful to the kidneys can be improved. Try to improve your lifestyle and focus on eating quality food so your kidneys work well. Even small changes are enough: drink enough water, avoid salt, sugar and fat, and be sure to exercise. Be sure to check with your doctor regularly to check your condition.

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