Healthy Breakfast: What To Eat And What To Avoid?

A healthy breakfast should include foods high in protein, vitamins and minerals. If you also want a good dose of carbs, one great option is oats. In general, whole grains are better than processed flours.
Healthy breakfast: what to eat and what to avoid?

Breakfast is worth eating every day, but it shouldn’t include just about any dish, it should be healthy and varied. A healthy breakfast includes high-quality protein foods as well as fruit that provides vitamins and antioxidants.

What else should we keep in mind when preparing breakfast?

In this article, we’ll talk more about what a healthy breakfast is like and what types of foods we should avoid eating at the first meal of the day.

Healthy breakfast: what to eat

Breakfast, like any other meal, should contain high quality protein. However, waking up immediately may not make you mind meat or fish, so a good source of protein in the morning is, for example, eggs or dairy products such as unflavoured Greek yogurt.

Until a few years ago, doctors warned against eating eggs because they were believed to be harmful to cholesterol levels, but that claim has now been refuted. Eating eggs is currently recommended, and as mentioned in an article in Ugeskrift for Laeger, there is no recommendation as to how many to eat per week.

Dairy products are another source of high quality protein and should also be enjoyed in the morning. Low-fat and light products should be avoided, and full-fat options should be chosen instead, as this will help us avoid the loss of fat-soluble vitamins. In addition, it is important to choose products to which no sugar or other sweeteners have been added, as they reduce the quality of the product and damage our health in the long run.

A healthy breakfast includes at least one fruit. It is always better to eat the fruit on its own, whole, and not in the form of juice, as the whole fruit also gives you access to the important fibers it contains.

And if you want to include a carbohydrate source in your breakfast, oats are a great option. Always choose the foods with the most whole grains.

A healthy breakfast includes fruit and berries, and may also include a serving of oatmeal, for example.
A healthy breakfast should include, for example, fruit or berries and an egg, and the best option for carbohydrates is oats. It can even be eaten in the form of porridge or bread, or sprinkled with yogurt.

Healthy breakfast: what to avoid

First of all, a healthy breakfast does not include biscuits, cakes or other pastries made from white flour. We can add sugary breakfast cereals and other similar finished products to this category. Such products contain far too much processed sugars as well as unhealthy fats that cause chronic inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, can cause many different health problems, as this study, published in 2017, points out.

Another food we should avoid eating in the morning is sausage. In many countries, different types of sausages are part of a traditional breakfast, and while they can be high quality, sausages are always processed products and contain a lot of unhealthy fats as well as additives. To this category, on the other hand, we can add salamis, meetwursts, and other processed salt-rich cold cuts. By omitting these products from breakfast, you can significantly reduce the risk of chronic inflammation and the risk of various diseases.

Examples of a healthy breakfast

Here are a few examples of healthy breakfasts. Of course, there are even more options, but with these combinations, you ’re sure to get started and then develop them to your own preferences.

  • Oatmeal (without sugar) with berries or fruit. A cup of coffee in black or with milk.
  • A serving of unsweetened natural yogurt with a handful of dried fruit. One orange and a cup of tea.
  • Rice cakes coated with cream cheese and turkey breast. A glass of milk.
  • Oatmeal with sugar-free peanut butter and blueberries. A cup of coffee in black or with milk.
  • Scrambled eggs, avocado, a serving of fresh pineapple and a cup of tea.
  • Unflavoured Greek yogurt or kefir mixed with berries. A cup of tea.

These tips will get you started, and once you’ve become familiar with the different foods and flavors, you can start combining them to your liking. Avoid adding sugar to coffee and yogurt, for example; if you think a food needs sweetening, try sweetening it with fruit or a small amount of organic honey.

A healthy breakfast contains some good protein, and an egg is one great option.
Eggs contain protein and other useful nutrients. Therefore, they are recommended as one of the best options for a healthy and varied breakfast.

Enjoy a healthy breakfast and start the day briskly

It’s important that you enjoy breakfast every day, but more importantly, you don’t eat just about anything you hurt in the fridge first hand, but enjoy healthy foods. Some follow an intermittent fast, with breakfast usually skipped, and that too can be a good option for certain people.

A healthy breakfast includes a high-quality source of protein as well as a source of vitamins and antioxidants. Healthy fats can also be added to breakfast – in the form of avocado, for example – and, if desired, carbohydrate-rich foods such as oatmeal.

Industrial and processed foods such as pastries or sausages should be avoided. They contain a lot of added sugar and trans fats, which are detrimental to health in the medium and long term. These products cause chronic inflammation while promoting an increase in body weight and fat percentage.

Finally, we would like to mention that following a healthy diet and lifestyle also means drinking plenty of clean water, as well as exercising regularly. This allows us to improve our physical health and ensure that our metabolism works well.

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