Herbs And Spices To Promote Hair Growth

Both the external use of coriander as a stew and eating it helps to enhance hair growth and keep it healthy.
Herbs and spices to promote hair growth

Long, strong and beautiful hair, like Cob, would be a dream for many. But if you think you’re getting help with chemicals in trade, you’re wrong. Read this article instead; in it we present great herbs and spices to promote hair growth.

So forget about chemicals and use these readily available natural products to speed up your hair growth.

Herbs and spices to promote hair growth


Chamomile helps promote hair growth

Rinsing your hair with chamomile tea after shampooing is a great way to promote hair growth. It relaxes the hair follicles and scalp, which helps reduce hair loss.


Rosemary can be made into a stew by slowly boiling its leaves in water. Or you can enjoy rosemary every day in some other way.

  • Washing your hair with a rosemary stew will help get rid of dandruff, which is considered one of the biggest causes of hair loss.

Field card

Field fever is a useful herb to accelerate hair growth

Field fever is a very useful herb to accelerate hair growth.

  • The stew made from it can be used to rinse your hair after washing, or you can enjoy it with meals.
  • If you wish, you can also mix it with your favorite shampoo and use it for washing your hair.


Stimulation of the hair follicles is achieved in a completely natural way with the help of ginkgo biloba.

  • Applying an incubator made of ginkgo biloba to the hair roots can increase blood circulation throughout the scalp. This greatly accelerates hair growth.

Birch oil

Birch oil promotes hair growth

Birch oil is an amazing oil for hair growth and care. It can help put an end to dandruff, itchy scalp, scalp infections and hair loss.

  • Combine it with your regular hair oil or add it to shampoo for great results.


Coriander is one of the most effective spices for hair growth and health. Start eating its leaves or seeds.

Adding seed powder to the hair oil and rubbing the scalp with it gives the best results as it significantly activates the hair follicle.


Cumin is a spice that promotes hair growth

The subject of this article is herbs and spices to promote hair growth, so let’s also look at some spices next!

Prepare natural hair growth hair by boiling black cumin seeds in water, straining the liquid and mixing it with egg yolk. Apply it to the scalp regularly with a cotton swab.

  • You can replace this liquid by mixing equal amounts of olive oil and cumin oil. Dandruff disappears and hair growth accelerates.


Applying powdered cinnamon and honey to the hair protects the scalp from infections and helps get rid of dandruff, itching, etc.

You can also mix this spice with olive oil and heat it to promote blood circulation and hair growth on the scalp.

Black pepper

Black pepper promotes the absorption of nutrients and thus hair growth

Black pepper has amazing properties for digestion and blood circulation.

It helps all the nutrients your body needs to be absorbed in the right amounts. This eventually stimulates hair growth.


Sesame seeds contain many of the two essential minerals: calcium and magnesium. These are vital to the health and growth of hair follicles.

Eating sesame seeds is an extremely effective way to get long and strong hair.

Additional tips

Follow a balanced diet

In addition to using herbs and spices, you need to give your body the nutrients it needs. This is the real key to getting healthy hair.

It doesn’t matter what you put in your hair if your body isn’t nourished properly from the inside out. So make sure you eat the right amounts of fat, protein and other nutrients every day.

Choose the right products

Choose the shampoo correctly

Natural herbal shampoos that do not contain strong chemicals such as sulfate can be a great alternative for hair. Sulfates remove their natural oils from the hair.

You should also invest in a good conditioner that does not contain silicone.

Place on a sparse comb and a brush made of wild boar bristles

  • A sparse wood comb helps prevent hair breakage and electricity. This kind of comb is great for opening tufts.
  • Once the tufts are opened, a brush made of wild boar bristles helps to remove oil from the roots, and the hair is thus well nourished and protected.
  • It is also important to avoid brushing your hair wet, as wet hair is most easily broken.

Don’t forget the conditioner

The conditioner is very important for the hair.

In addition, it is a good idea to nourish your hair deeply at least once a week with a homemade mask. This keeps the hair very moisturized.

Always wash your hair with cold water

Cold water helps to close the scales and keeps them soft and smooth. It also helps prevent moisture from depleting the hair.

Cut your hair regularly

Hair should be cut regularly

It is very important to straighten your hair every 6-8 weeks. This will get rid of the bifurcated and prevent damage from spreading upwards.

Stop using hot styling equipment

Regular use of hot styling equipment can severely damage your hair. If you’re hooked on a hair dryer, you might want to take a break from using it and try alternatives to heat that don’t require heat.

Allow your hair to dry naturally

Instead of using a hair dryer, let your hair dry naturally. Do this by gently squeezing too much water out of your hair with a towel and just letting your hair stay on until it is dry.

Do not rub your hair hard with a towel, as this may cause damage.

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