How To Relieve The Symptoms Of Atopic Dermatitis

All skin problems must be carefully treated according to the instructions given, as the environment is highly polluted and can slow healing.
This will relieve the symptoms of atopic dermatitis

Atopic rash is a very common ailment that affects more and more people every year. The disease begins at a very early age, i.e., it affects infants and children and, to a lesser extent, adults.

In children, atopic dermatitis usually occurs on the face and folds, such as the elbows, knees, inside the wrist, and scalp, and on the legs and buttocks.

The ailment is considered hereditary, meaning that if either parent has contracted it, it is likely to develop for yourself as well.

In this article, we’ll talk more about atopic dermatitis and show you some natural treatments that can help relieve its symptoms.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis

The symptoms of an atopic rash are easily noticeable and easily identified as an atopic rash. They are:

  • Dry skin
  • Rough or scaly skin
  • Sunburn
  • Itch
  • Leaking blisters
  • Ruvet
  • Inflammation

It is very important to avoid scratching so that the skin does not break and become inflamed. This area of ​​skin is very dry and not high in fat, so it flakes and irritates very easily.

Atopic dermatitis differs from sebum rash and contact dermatitis in that it exhibits pruritus. Sebum rash occurs only on the scalp, sometimes on the chin and chest, and allergens that cause contact dermatitis.


As we said earlier, atopic dermatitis is mainly due to hereditary factors.

It is believed to be due to a lack of protein and a reduction in the amount of essential fatty acids on the skin, which increases the sensitivity of the skin. But it is still unclear what exactly causes it.

However, there are certain environmental, allergenic, and food-related factors and even certain clothing that can aggravate the disease.


  • Choose non-alcoholic and paraben-free fragrances and creams. Use hypoallergenic makeup.
  • Avoid long baths or showers as well as too hot water as it can make the pain worse. Take a shower only once a day using warm water, and dry your skin gently without rubbing with a towel.
  • Get rid of stress. Repeated anger, frustrating situations, nervousness, stress, and shame are factors that can cause a rash to break out. Try relaxation exercises to control these feelings.
Clothing can aggravate atopic dermatitis
  • Moisturize your face and body daily. Applying a cold moisturizer to the skin can help relieve itching (store the cream in the refrigerator).
  • Wear clothes that are 100% cotton. Wool and synthetic fibers can cause skin problems.
  • Use soaps with a neutral pH. They are helpful for sensitive skin.
  • Wash new clothing before use to remove any residue from used products.
  • Trim the nails of children and babies to avoid scratching.
  • Keep the room temperature at normal readings, i.e. avoid extreme temperatures in both summer and winter, and try to be in cooler environments.

Natural treatments for atopic dermatitis


Chamomile is the most effective herb for soothing itching as it moisturizes the skin, repairs it and helps reduce inflammation.


  • 3 chamomile flowers
  • 2.5 dl of water


  • Put the water in the pot on the stove.
  • When it boils, add the chamomile and keep the heat on for another two minutes.
  • Remove from the heat, strain and allow to stand.
  • Dampen a clean towel with this liquid and apply to the rash.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera should, as usual, be added to the list of natural treatments for the skin. Its properties refresh and moisturize the skin, help reduce inflammation and ease burning and itching.

What should you do?

  • Take the gel from the inside of the aloe vera leaf and mix until supple.
  • Apply to the area that needs treatment, you will get relief in minutes.
  • We recommend repeating this 3 times a day, avoiding rinsing, so that the effects last longer.

Throat mask for the face

Cucumber is a typical natural product used to relieve dermatitis. Its anti-inflammatory and diuretic compounds help to remove fluid, which restores the skin to its normal state.

The throat soothes the skin

What do you need?

  • ½ cucumber

What should you do?

  • Mix half the cucumber in a blender into the juice and put it in the fridge for a few hours.
  • Apply to the area to be treated cold.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse.

Remember that rashes require dermatologist treatment. These natural treatments are just an additional help in relieving and reducing the symptoms.

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