How To Remove Mold At Home

If there is mold in your home, it may cause difficulty breathing or skin irritation. Mold can be removed quickly by natural means, read more about how.
This is how you remove mold at home

Removing mold from your home is more than just a visual issue. When you remove mold, your home becomes a healthier place to be.

Mold areas are ugly, but the real danger of mold is related to health. In this article, we will tell you how to remove mold effectively and with harmless substances.

In the slowest steps, the mold spreads and ruins the paint on the walls and other home materials with which it hits its nails. However, the real danger is the health damage it brings, as fungi and bacteria grow in the mold, which are dangerous to the body.

The first thing you notice is an unpleasant moist odor, which increases allergies and other breathing difficulties. It is therefore vital to start working and stopping the spread of mold so that the health of all residents remains normal.

In today’s article, we’ll cover a few of the natural ways we recommend to help you remove mold without the use of chemicals. Want to try them at home? Read on!

These means remove mold

Before using any commercially available mold removers, it is good to know how to prevent the spread of mold.

Follow a few easy steps to remove excess moisture from your apartment and limit the living space of microorganisms.

The home needs to be well ventilated

when removing mold from home, open curtains and windows

Open windows and doors open at least once a day to ventilate the entire apartment. This is an easy way to reduce the amount of mold and particles in your home.

As the air circulates in the apartment, the damp areas dry out naturally. This changes the living conditions of fungi and microorganisms. This explains why, when ventilated, unpleasant odors disappear after the apartment has been completely closed.

Do not cover the mold

One of the biggest mistakes many make is that they cover the mold with furniture, fabrics, or something similar. This prevents air from circulating around the mold area, making the problem even worse. It is best to keep the area open and prevent it from expanding.

Do not dry the laundry inside

Laundry drying outdoors

If you think that drying your laundry inside is harmless, it can very well have nasty consequences as it can cause breathing difficulties. Moisture favors the growth of fungi and small particles, especially if mold is already growing in some areas. Lack of ventilation prevents clothes from drying out properly, leading to unpleasant odors that can be difficult to remove.

Natural ways to remove mold at home

Many natural substances are disinfectants and can be used to clean home surfaces, making it easier to remove mold. These 100% natural products are environmentally friendly and make your home fragrant by neutralizing odors and moist stains. Read more about natural products here.


mold at home: remove with vinegar

The acidity of vinegar has interesting effects on the mold growing inside. Vinegar removes visible dark spots as well as fungal growth and bacteria.

How is vinegar used?

  • Spray vinegar water on the walls, bathroom, tiles where you notice mold and leave on for 15 minutes.
  • Wipe off excess with plenty of water and a brush.

Baking soda

Baking soda is the most versatile substance in the home. It is antifungal, refreshing and antibacterial and therefore suitable for a wide range of cleansing uses. Baking soda prevents mold from growing. Use baking soda to remove dark spots and strong odors.

How is baking soda used?

  • Moisten a fair amount of baking soda and brush it on the mold-infected area.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse.

Sea salt

Sea salt is excellent for preventing the growth of mold. This natural mineral disinfects surfaces, absorbing moisture, which works well in enclosed spaces. Salt is usually applied directly to the problem area. Sea salt can also be used to prevent the formation of mold.

How is sea salt used?

  • Rub the sea salt on top of the mold and leave on for 20 minutes. Remove with a brush and sponge.
  • You can put sea salt in small containers and place the containers in suitable places such as corners or cabinets. In this way, sea salt binds excess moisture and prevents the formation of mold.

Sometimes removing mold can be really tricky. This may be due to the design of the house or the materials through which moisture seeps through. If the problem persists for a long time or is deep in the house structures, it is best to ask a professional to find the right solution.

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