How To Take Care Of Your Toe Health

This is how you take care of your toe health

It is important to choose your shoes carefully: avoid squeezing designs that taper towards the toe and take up movement from the toes. Shoes should be taken off when you arrive home, and if possible, you should also take them off at work at your desk. In this article, we will tell you more about how toe health should be taken care of.

Toes and their health are often forgotten. Not much attention is paid to the toes until they become sore and begin to form labored bones or painful bladders. How can the health of the toes be better taken care of? What things should be kept in mind?

In this article, we will focus on the toes and their common problems and injuries. Ailments caused by tight shoes are common, especially in women, and this article provides tips for treating ailments.

The most common problems and injuries of the toes

We spend much of the day wearing our shoes. The toes cannot move normally but are pinched or rubbed against poorly fitting shoes.

Not everyone is aware of this, but the continuous use of poorly fitting shoes for years has a significant effect on the toes. The formation of sciatica in particular is a nasty affliction that affects the toes.

It is important that your feet are allowed to spend part of the day without squeezing shoes and your toes should also be stretched regularly. Legs can be practiced unnoticed even under a desk, and this does not require much time.

The following problems are particularly common:

1. Bone bone

Many people think that scarce bones develop from prolonged use of the wrong kind of shoes, but this is not entirely true.

People who wear comfortable, suitable shoes also have poor bones. So what is the cause of the phenomenon?

  • Some people are more prone to the formation of skeletal bones due to genetic considerations. Often the ailment is passed down from generation to generation, so if your mother has ailments, it is likely that they will develop in you as well.
  • If you have a genetic predisposition and you also wear unsuitable shoes, the situation usually gets worse quickly or occurs earlier.
  • Flat feet and long big toes can make the problem worse. Large big toes are often the cause of the development of sciatica.

This is because the big toe protrudes more than the other toes.  The big toe also suffers the most from the squeezing of tight shoes and easily turns inwards, resulting in poor bone.

How is scarce bones treated?

  • The development of poor bones cannot always be prevented. If family members have poor bones (grandmother, mother, or aunt), they are more likely to pass on to younger generations as well. Narrow shoes should be avoided from an early age if there are poor bones in the family.
  • It is important to exercise your toes and improve toe movement and mobility. Exercise such as walking is good for the toes. You can also try lifting the goods off the floor using your toes.
  • If you already have poor bones, it is important to prevent them from becoming inflamed. The skin in the sciatic region may become red and swollen and become painful. Take relaxing foot baths and add rosemary and lavender to the water.
  • Walking bones can interfere with walking, which in turn can turn into spinal ailments later on. This may lead to surgical treatment in the future.

2. Ingrown toenails


The most common toe ailments: ingrown toenail.

An ingrown toenail is a common and painful problem. Have you ever had an ingrown nail?

  • Ingrown toenails can be caused by wearing too tight shoes and most often the ailment is on the big toe.
  • How you cut your nails can also lead to nail ingrown. If the nail is cut too short or if its edges are made round, it can grow more easily inside the skin.
  • It is worth keeping in mind that in many people, the toenails naturally curve downward and sink into the skin. This can make nail ingrowth a common problem that recurs on a regular basis.

This will prevent the nails from growing on the skin

  • Swim your feet in hot water.
  • Do not cut the nails too short or leave their edges sharp and pointed.
  • Avoid wearing too tight shoes that pinch your big toes.

3. Heads, inflammation and pain in the toes

The toes and bladders are common toe problems.


Everyone must have had claws or blisters on their feet at some point. The ailment is common and strenuous.

There are 26 different bones on the legs, 14 of which are on the toes. If your toes ache, you cannot walk naturally and this can lead to a deterioration in your quality of life. If you are unable to exercise as before and experience pain every step of the way, the effort is really frustrating.

Where do the stumps come from?

  • Wearing high heels and tight socks
  • Dry feet
  • Failure to exfoliate the feet
  • The toes usually appear on the heels, on the side of the big toes and on the side of the little toes. The head develops in rubbing. The nipples can be painful.

How can the hands be treated and rubbing avoided?

  • If you wear closed-toe shoes for many hours a day, it is recommended to take a relaxing foot bath every night and peel your heels well once a week. Rub the toes and apply rosehip oil to the skin before going to bed. Wear comfortable socks while sleeping.
  • To remove calluses, you can make a caring foot bath from nettles. You need a liter of water and 100 grams of nettle. Pour the liquid into a flat container and bathe your feet for 20 minutes. Rub your feet, especially the heels, to remove pumice-hardened skin. Finish the treatment with a massage and apply chamomile oil to the feet and toes.

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