Ideal Abdominal Circumference

Measuring the abdominal circumference is important to determine if a person is obese or not. It is therefore a crucial factor in terms of cardiovascular risk and potential circulatory problems.
Ideal abdominal circumference

Abdominal circumference is important in more than just an aesthetic sense, as fat accumulated in this area of ​​the body is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. To determine the circumference of your abdomen, you only need to measure your waist circumference at the navel.

Sure, but then what is the limit against which the circumference should not exceed? The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined a maximum of 88 cm for women and 102 cm for men.

Risks of larger abdominal circumference

The alarm card for cardiovascular risk starts ringing when a person is obese. The risk increases rapidly if the circumference of the abdomen exceeds the limits considered healthy, as this means an increase in circulatory problems.

The risk of heart disease is real even when the extra pounds are evenly distributed in different parts of the body, but  it increases even more when more fat accumulates in the abdominal area than in other parts of the body. This is because the abdominal adipose tissue contains cells, adipocytes, that produce a certain amount of hormones that have a high metabolic value.

Such adipocytes release free fatty acids, which are metabolized by the liver and used for energy instead of glucose. As a result, all the sugar that the liver does not use remains in the body and increases. This process increases the amount of lipids in the blood, and blood sugar levels rise to the clouds.

When you see it explained this way, you will understand why a bottled stomach is more than just an aesthetic problem. Namely, it can lead to metabolic syndrome characterized by an increase in bad cholesterol and triglycerides. In addition to this, good cholesterol lowers, blood pressure rises and hyperglycemia occurs.

Abdominal circumference is an important figure for cardiovascular risk
The waist and abdomen circumference can be easily measured with a flexible tape measure.

How is abdominal circumference measured correctly?

All you need to determine your belly circumference is a tape measure and a few tips. Doctors usually do this at a routine checkup or when they notice that the body mass index has risen to the side of being overweight.

To measure your belly circumference correctly you need to stand straight with your arms on the sides of your body. Then loosen your belt and set aside the clothing covering your upper body to take a measure of bare skin at the navel.

Place a tape measure below the ribs and above the hip bone. Let your stomach flutter relaxed. Then exhale before placing the tape measure around your abdomen. Write down the reading right away so you don’t lose this information.

Classification of obesity according to abdominal circumference

There are two types of obesity depending on where the excess fat is located.

  • The first is peripheral obesity, where adipose tissue is located in the thighs, buttocks and hips.
  • The other is  mid-body obesity, where excess fat is located almost exclusively in the abdomen.

People with mid-body obesity have a double risk of developing cardiovascular disease. However, keep in mind that excess fat is always harmful no matter where it is located.

  • When there is more belly or visceral fat, we talk about android or apple-type obesity.
  • When obesity is caused by the accumulation of fat in the arms, legs and hips, we speak of gynoid or pear obesity.

There are some important organs in the abdomen: liver, stomach, spleen and gallbladder. These organs suffer from the function of this local adipose tissue. In women, hormonal changes during menopause affect changes in body composition.

Measuring the peritoneum is now a routine part of medical examinations to map the risk of cardiovascular disease.

What to do if the abdomen is larger than it should be?

You need to adopt a healthy lifestyle to avoid an increase in abdominal circumference. Experts recommend aerobic exercise and strength training together, as the former helps consume calories, while the latter strengthens muscles and improves body posture.

A healthy diet, free of saturated fat and simple sugars, helps keep weight under control while being good for heart health. Also, drinking fluids is an important factor, because it helps to prevent the liquid swelling. In addition, a good night’s sleep relieves stress and improves hormone function.

Posture also matters, so try not to sit for several hours in the tube with your back in a curve; namely, this relaxes the abdominal muscles and promotes the accumulation of fat in this area. Have medical check-ups at least once a year so your doctor can keep a record of your abdominal girth and monitor changes in it.

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