Lose Weight With Delicious Artichoke

The green leaves of artichoke contain many health-promoting ingredients. Artichoke is a soft-tasting perennial herbaceous plant, originally from North Africa or Sicily. In Finland, artichoke is also known as artichoke.
Lose weight with a delicious artichoke

Artichoke is a delicacy for many gourmets and is suitable not only for cooking but also for weight loss, as it increases urine output and burns fat effectively. In this article, we will introduce you to the health-promoting properties of artichoke and introduce you to an effective artichoke water regimen to slim down.

When planning a weight loss or diet, it is important to take care of the intake of the necessary nutrients, and the diet should never be too restrictive, for example in terms of protein intake.

Pounds are best reduced by pruning unnecessary snacks, avoiding sugar and excess fat, and making sure each meal is balanced and high in nutritional value. Miracle diets may lose weight in the short term, but the effects are short-lived – it’s best to aim for long-term lifestyle changes.

Artichoke is full of vitamin B, iron, magnesium, amino acids, flavonoids, potassium and phosphorus.  Read more below.

How does artichoke help to lose weight?

Artichoke, oil and lemon

Keep in mind that there is no miracle food or product that will help you lose weight in an instant. Many foods help keep pounds under control, but only if you dedicate yourself to it will you keep an eye on your eating and be an active mover.

So can artichoke really help with weight loss? Yes you can, but it requires patience and that you also pay attention to everything else you put in your mouth. Artichoke alone cannot shed large amounts of pounds.

Artichoke has been cultivated for centuries and its positive effect on diabetes, for example, has been known for some time. Artichoke contains inulin, a carbohydrate that is slowly broken down in the body, which keeps your blood sugar even.

Artichoke is high in fiber, which helps lower blood glucose and control cholesterol. Fiber also keeps digestion healthy and functional.

Artichoke also contains a substance called cynarine, which helps in the secretion of bile, which in turn accelerates fat burning and urinary excretion. This will also get rid of unnecessary fluid buildup.

Artichoke contains only less than 1% fat and thus does not contain many calories (22 calories per 100 grams).

The slimming effect of artichoke is thus based on three different things: its low caloric intake, its metabolic boosting effect and the efficiency of fat burning.

What other artichokes should I know?

steaming artichoke


  • Artichoke is counted as a medicinal vegetable that enhances liver function.
  • Artichoke helps with digestion and fat burning.
  • Artichoke works like a detox regimen and cleanses the intestines, liver and kidneys of waste products. The liver and kidneys are responsible for cleansing your body and handling harmful substances, and artichokes are very helpful in maintaining and promoting their vital functions.
  • Artichoke lowers blood cholesterol levels.
  • Artichoke protects the circulatory system from diseases and problems such as hardening of the arteries.

Try artichoke water cures to lose weight

green smoothie


The artichoke diet includes drinking homemade artichoke water three times a day. The course should be taken every month for ten days, for at least three months – with perseverance you will get the best results. You will find that your weight drops, and at the same time you cleanse your body of harmful substances and you will feel more energetic.

For ten artichoke days, you will enjoy homemade drinks, fruits and vegetables, and cut down on all fats and processed food. Please also remember to exercise for at least half an hour a day, be it walking, swimming, weightlifting or dancing.

This is how you make an artichoke drink

  • The drink is created in the blink of an eye. You will need two medium-sized fresh artichokes, look for the darkest and most intact specimens possible on the store shelf. Wash the artichokes well under running water and cut off the stem. Cut the artichokes in half more in the middle and rinse once.
  • Pour one and a half liters of water into a saucepan and cook both artichokes until they have softened and their color has turned brownish-yellow.
  • When the artichokes have boiled long enough and the color of the boiling water has changed, strain the cooked artichokes and keep the water. You can eat cooked healthy artichokes as part of your meals of the day. Artichoke does not need a lot of side dishes and it tastes delicious with a drop of oil, salt and vinegar, for example. You can bottle boiling water and let it cool in the fridge and drink it throughout the day.
  • Drink a glass of artichoke water at the end of each meal. Start immediately in the morning and after breakfast (for example, a bowl of porridge and an apple) sip a glass of artichoke water. Artichoke speeds up digestion and burns fat, which is why we recommend drinking it immediately after eating. The water is easy to keep with you if you are on the move all day – grab a whiff every now and then and soon you’ve already drunk your dose of the day!
  • Drink all the water throughout the day and cook a new satin the next day. If you don’t care about the artichoke flavor, you can mix freshly squeezed lemon juice and mint leaves into the water.  Try different spices, such as lime or ginger, with water to get a variation in taste – while increasing the effect of the water. Remember to follow a varied and healthy diet during your regimen, eat lots of vegetables and exercise a lot. If at all possible, walk or bike commutes and do your grocery shopping on foot, utility exercise will increase your overall fitness as if unnoticed. Suggest an artichoke regimen to a friend or relative if you do it together, you can motivate each other and you will definitely stay in line.

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