Lower Blood Pressure Naturally In 5 Minutes

Lower your blood pressure naturally in 5 minutes

When blood pressure is no longer under control, it becomes a serious health problem that can really endanger a person’s life. This dilemma is known as high blood pressure (or “silent killer”). It is a cardiovascular disorder that affects the lives of countless people around the world. Naturally lower your blood pressure with our tips.

It is estimated that 78 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure,  and about 16 million people are according to studies without a diagnosis of the disease.

The big problem with high blood pressure is that without detecting the disorder, it becomes a very difficult disease to treat. A person’s risk of having a heart attack then increases substantially, as does the likelihood of suffering a stroke or other serious disorder.

It is therefore important to know the disadvantages of high blood pressure and  the ways in which this problem can be prevented. Lower your blood pressure with simple changes.

Do you know what your own blood pressure is?

lower blood pressure

Blood pressure is the  force needed for the heart to pump blood through blood  vessels, arteries, and capillaries so that it eventually reaches the various organs in your body.

The usual upper blood pressure in an adult is about 120 mm Hg when the person is physically active and about 80 mm Hg when he is at rest.

Blood pressure is said to be high when the upper level pressure exceeds 140 mm Hg and the lower level number is greater than 90 mm Hg.

This can happen when arteries and small arteries become narrow, as their function is to regulate blood flow throughout the body. As these blood vessels constrict, your heart needs to work harder to deliver blood to your body, and this will lead to an increase in blood pressure.

The worst side of this is that high blood pressure does not show up with any severe symptoms. This inconspicuousness means that  you may get an even more serious problem before you realize you are suffering from high blood pressure.

It is only sometimes that a person experiences palpitations in the head or chest, or dizziness, fatigue, or other mild symptoms that something is wrong with the heart.

What causes high blood pressure?

So far, the  majority of people with high blood pressure do not know what is causing the disorder. However, there are some factors that contribute to the increase in blood pressure.

These include the following risk factors:

  • The family develops high blood pressure.
  • The person is over 60 years old.
  • He suffers from high levels of stress, anger, or aggression.
  • She is overweight or obese.
  • He smokes.
  • His diet contains a lot of saturated fats.
  • He drinks plenty of alcohol.
  • He eats foods high in sodium.
  • Her lifestyle is focused on the sitting position.
  • She has diabetes.

Lower blood pressure by natural means

lower blood pressure with food

To prevent and control high blood pressure, you should see your doctor regularly to determine your blood pressure level.

If these levels are really so high that there is a risk to your health, you may need to make a complete life change. Here’s how to lower your blood pressure to a healthier level:

  • Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat in your diet.
  • Limit the amount of salt in your diet.
  • Exercise for at least half an hour every single day.
  • Enjoy herbal tea and natural juices.
  • Avoid industrially processed foods as well as those high in fat.
  • Eat foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Lose weight if you are overweight.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco products.
  • Start doing relaxing exercises.

In addition to embracing the healthy lifestyles we present, there is an effective classical Chinese method that can help lower blood pressure in as little as five minutes.

What is this old Chinese method?

lower blood pressure with acupuncture

The methods of traditional Chinese medicine are based on the utilization of the energy connections that exist between several points of pressure in the body and its various organs.

The natural method we present involves applying pressure to three defined points so that blood pressure can be lowered within minutes.

A line running from point one to point two

  • Make a “one to two” line from the back of your earlobe to the clavicle.
  • Then apply gentle pressure, running your fingertips along this line.
  • Then repeat the same movement about 10 times on each side of your neck. Continue this for about three minutes.

Point three

  • Next, proceed along that line and press your fingertip against the point located 1.5 centimeters from each earlobe as you move toward your nose.
  • Make a gentle massage so that you press both sides for about a minute.

This method is very effective if the high blood pressure is due to stress or other emotional problems.

However, it is important to remember that the effects of this treatment vary from case to case and cannot replace any method prescribed by your doctor.

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