Muscle Cramps: Natural Treatment And Prevention

To avoid muscle cramps, you should eat foods that are high in calcium and magnesium. You can also make tea extracts that curb uncomfortable cramps.
Muscle cramps: natural treatment and prevention

You walk down the street and suddenly a disgusting stinging cramp strikes, and you stop at those places unable to continue. Or you may wake up in the middle of the night with severe pain in your leg, also known as varicose veins. Muscle cramps are involuntary and can be caused by many different reasons.

Fortunately, there are many treatments and techniques that can be tried to relieve and prevent muscle cramps. These techniques don’t require much and don’t hurt. Learn more about how to prevent muscle cramps.

There are many reasons why we suffer from muscle cramps. The most common reasons are:

  • Severe dehydration and loss of mineral salts.
  • Insufficient amount of oxygen and blood in the area.
  • Prolonged strain.
  • Accumulation of lactic acids in the muscles. This is common in athletes.
  • Sudden, repeated or intense movement at cold temperatures.
  • Contact with cold water: cold shower or bath, freestyle swimming.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Overweight.
  • Ingestion of certain medications.
  • Kidney deficiency.
  • Muscle fatigue.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Metabolic problems.
  • Deficiency of calcium and magnesium in the body.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Poor sleeping postures.
  • Poor posture while studying or working.
  • Mental pressure and anxiety.
  • Little exercise.

Abdominal cramps are caused by blood flowing in the area to improve digestion. If you exercise a lot or even go for a run right after eating, there is not enough blood to both feed the muscles and improve digestion and you will easily suffer from stomach aches.

Hands and wrists are prone to seizures as they may suffer from impaired blood flow in the area caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. This results in pain and muscle cramps. The symptom is common in those who work a lot on a computer while typing.

The most common painful cramps occur in the legs and this can be due to many different reasons.

muscle cramps

There are two different symptom descriptions associated with leg cramps. The first is local pain that only affects a certain area and the second is severe, stabbing pain or a feeling of muscle vibration and tingling.

This is how you prevent and treat muscle cramps

When you suffer from a cramp, it is best to stretch and rub the cramping area gently. This relaxes the cramping muscle and relieves pain quickly.

Physiotherapy, massage and sleeping without a pillow are good ways to avoid shoulder and neck cramps. Practicing yoga and or chin can prevent the formation of muscle cramps. Exercise should be increased: everyone should exercise for at least half an hour a day, as this helps the blood to oxidize and transport oxygen efficiently to the muscles and tissues: this helps the muscles to recover.

If your feet cramp frequently , lift your feet up on a pillow or against a wall in the evenings. This reduces the pressure in the legs. You can also sleep with your legs raised on a few pillows or try a bottle of hot water at the foot of the bed: this can prevent muscle cramps.

Nutrition is an important part of cramp prevention. Add foods high in calcium to your diet: orange, almond, broccoli, leafy vegetables, soy milk and dairy products are good sources of calcium. Also prefer foods that contain magnesium, such as nuts, whole grains, raw cocoa, beans, seaweed, and soybean meal. Eat one banana a day and don’t forget to hydrate your body properly.

If you exercise a lot during the day, drink enough water to avoid dehydration. Be sure to stretch carefully after exercise.

muscle cramps

Other good tips:

  • Enjoy fluids throughout the day.
  • Wear loose clothing, especially loose socks and pants.
  • Take a hot bath before going to bed.
  • Try relaxation exercises.
  • Move to strengthen your ankles.
  • Put your weight on your butt when walking, not on your heels.
  • Sleep with your legs straight.
  • Enjoy natural diuretics such as pineapple and pear.
  • Wrap the area suffering from recurrent cramps in an elastic fabric, but do not make the bandage too tight.

Muscle cramps can be treated naturally

Try these tea extracts for the treatment and prevention of muscle cramps. You can easily make them at home and they contain only natural and healthy ingredients.

Treatment 1

Gingko-Biloba helps to treat muscle cramps


  • 3 tablespoons Gingko biloba (ginkgo biloba)
  • 2 dl of water


Boil Gingko biloba in water for about 10 minutes, remove from the heat, allow to extract, strain and enjoy daily. Ginkgo biloba has been considered a sacred tree in the Far East due to its many healing properties, which is why it has been particularly popular with monasteries. Today, ginkgo grows wild in the Far East.

Recipe 2


  • Essential oil extracted from rosemary. You can also use eucalyptus or tall oil.
  • Olive oil


Mix a couple of drops of each oil together and warm in the palms. Apply to the cramped area. The heat and movement of the hands accelerates blood circulation, the oils treat and moisturize. Soon the pain is a mere memory.

Recipe 3

muscle cramps


  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 2 dl warm water


Mix all the ingredients together and enjoy immediately. However, be careful not to burn your mouth!

Recipe 4


  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 1 liter of water


Boil the mustard seeds in water, about 10 minutes is enough. Fill the bath with warm water and pour the mixture into the bath water. Soak in water until it cools down.

Recipe 5

muscle cramps


  • 1 handful of bay leaves
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • 2 dl of water


Prepare tea from these ingredients, strain and enjoy while warm. Repeat daily for a week.

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