Ovarian Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Organic Treatments

Ovarian function

Ovarian function and health are closely linked to other organs. Intestinal obstruction can directly affect the health of our genitals. We must also facilitate liver function, which is directly linked to the endocrine system.

Polycystic ovary syndrome symptoms caused by (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS) are among other symptoms, irregular periods, weight loss difficulty, abundant ihokarvoitus, acne, hair loss and fertility problems.

In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about ovarian function and natural treatments for this health problem, including the most effective nutritional methods.

Balance the liver

The liver is the organ that cleanses the blood of toxins. Its functions are closely linked to other organs, and in particular to the endocrine system. To treat the liver holistically and naturally, you can facilitate liver function with medicinal plants such as St. John’s wort or boldo. It is also important to avoid unhealthy fats or additives in our diet.

woman's belly


Adjust the bowel

If we look at the intestines close to the ovaries, we find that intestinal obstruction can directly affect the health of our other internal organs. Keeping your gut healthy is important because if it doesn’t work properly, it can cause ovarian dysfunction and other health problems.

If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, parasites, or other intestinal disorders in addition to PCOS, it is best to treat them naturally before they interfere with ovarian balance.

To regulate bowel function,  follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains and dried fruits. If you suffer from constipation, add a few natural laxatives to your diet. These include flax seeds and plums.

flax seeds for constipation


Beware of gluten

Gluten allergy and celiac disease are easy to detect because the body responds immediately after eating gluten-containing food. But there are different levels of tolerance and even a small imbalance can lead to polycystic ovary syndrome.

If you have gluten intolerance or allergies, or suffer from digestive problems, keep these instructions in mind.

The tree of chastity

The most effective plant for treating this disease is the tree of chastity (vitex agnus castus). This method has traditionally been used to regulate hormone levels, facilitate ovarian function, prevent irregular periods, and restore ovulation in women who have stopped menstruating. It is especially effective when PCOS is associated with low levels of progesterone and prolactin.

Take 200 mg of chastity tree extract daily for at least 3-4 months, after which results are expected.

plant extract



Maca is a root found in the Andes that is very beneficial to women’s health. In particular, it acts as a hormone regulator, regardless of type. It also works well for menopausal symptoms.

This root is found in tablets and powder. The powder is easier to dispense. Maca is recommended to start with a very small amount and increase gradually over time as it increases energy and can cause nervousness.

  • As a course of treatment, take 6-9 g daily for a month.
  • Then take 3 g per day (about one teaspoon).

Flaxseed oil

Cold-pressed flaxseed oil is rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. These two nutrients naturally regulate hormone levels and promote ovulation.

Take two tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily. You may not like its flavor as it may taste a little fishy, ​​but you can also mix it with food. Then you get all its benefits without the taste of fish.

We hope you got a lot of information about ovarian polycystic ovary syndrome in this article.

Photos: digiyesica, Felip Bunkers and M. Martin Vicente

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