Prevent An Aneurysm In Time With These Tips

Prevent your aneurysm in a timely manner with these tips

Medically speaking, an aneurysm is defined as an abnormal enlargement of the arteries caused by weakness of the arterial walls. This serious health problem is a disease in general, especially in women over 50 years of age. In this article, we will tell you how you can detect and prevent an aneurysm.

Aneurysm: what should you know about this phenomenon?

The exact cause of an aneurysm is not yet known to medical experts.  Some people experience this problem as soon as they are born, while others do not develop an aneurysm until later in life. The most common areas for the onset of an aneurysm are the aortic artery from the heart, the area behind the knee (knee arch), the brain, the intestine (the mesenteric artery), and the spleen. The latest of these manifestations is common in pregnant women.

The symptoms of an aneurysm depend on where it occurs. If the problem is close to the body surface, it will cause pain, pressure and noticeable bulging. If, on the other hand, the aneurysm develops in areas of the body, such as the brain, there are no symptoms.

The brain aneurysm can dilate without causing rupture. It may put pressure on the nerves around it and bring with it the following symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Impaired vision: seeing in two
  • Dizziness
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Imbalance
  • Neck stiffness
  • Inability to communicate or understand the speech of others
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Vomiting
  • Scenes
  • Coma


aneurysm in the brain

If the aneurysm causes a rupture, it may result in low blood pressure, pain, dizziness, and heart rate.  The probability of dying as a result of an aneurysm is then much higher than before the rupture.

About 5% of the population will have a brain aneurysm at some point in their lives, and the risk of this is higher for those with a family history of similar or circulatory problems.

How can an aneurysm be detected in time?

A brain aneurysm is the most dangerous type. However, if the rupture is detected in time, death can be avoided. This problem is often caused by unhealthy lifestyles or illnesses, so it is essential to change habits as well as be careful with health care.

Immediate action ensures that the person does not die. However, this must be done very quickly, as the recommended time is half an hour. So you need to get treatment immediately, as only 40% of an aneurysms can be detected in time, and the rest of the cases lead to death.

An aneurysm can cause headaches

However, most people with this problem are unable to detect any symptoms at all, and therefore an aneurysm is often only known through routine medical examinations through tests. Thus, it can be difficult to act properly in the event of a scene if one has not been able to prepare for it due to lack of information. However, before the aneurysm ruptures, a person feels a severe headache: a painful and persistent pain that is not relieved by any treatment or medication.

If the pain persists, you should definitely see a doctor. This is serious and requires treatment. The anneurysm may already have ruptured at that time, resulting in bleeding between the brain and the thin external tissue that protects the cervical nervous system. The resulting headache is very sharp and may prevent you from opening your eyes. It also includes nausea, dizziness, vomiting, numbness on the other side of the body, double vision, weakness, and loss of consciousness.

Less than half of people who experience an aneurysm survive, and a large proportion of those who survive have neurological disorders. Therefore, you should seek medical attention immediately if you experience an intolerable headache and if it is not caused by any external injury, such as a blow, fall, or other accident.

How can an aneurysm best be prevented?

Preventive treatment is the best way to prevent an aneurysm. This requires certain measures, which we will discuss next.

See your doctor

An annual checkup, which includes tests appropriate to your age and health, is important so you can be aware of any abnormalities in your body. Your doctor should also be aware of your family’s medical history. If any of your close relatives have ever suffered from an aneurysm, you should always tell your doctor.

A brain aneurysm may not cause symptoms

Your doctor may perform several tests to make sure that there are no disorders suggestive of an aneurysm. Today, there are, among other things, computed tomography (CT), MRI),.

Start living a healthier life – change your lifestyle

Some of the best things you can do to limit your risk of suffering from an aneurysm relate to your daily lifestyle.

  • Quit smoking now.
  • Do not use alcohol in a way that is harmful to your health and avoid drugs.
  • Stick to a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Exercise two or three times a week properly.
  • Avoid being overweight.
  • Keep your cholesterol levels in line with recommendations and be alert to problems with your blood pressure.

Control the amount of stress in your life

If you can reduce the amount of stress and anxiety in your life, you will at the same time reduce your risk of getting an aneurysm. So do your best to calm down and reduce the things that make you feel unwell, and try to solve problems before they become more serious. It’s also a good idea to go on vacation whenever it feels necessary, and it’s also important to get plenty of rest.

Also, don’t forget to sleep 6-8 hours a night – it’s really good for your health. Make a list of the things that will make you feel good, and do those things! Here are some suggestions:

  • Read
  • Take a walk in the park
  • Play with your children
  • Take care of the plants in your garden
  • Play chess
  • Go to a yoga or pilates class
  • Ui
  • Learn to play an instrument

Meditation is also one way to reduce stress and thus reduce the risk of getting an aneurysm.

If you want to prevent an aneurysm from starting, start by following our tips to improve your overall health as well!

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