Remove Fluid Swelling Per Month

These natural remedies are completely safe and have no harmful effects, so you should try them before resorting to dehydration medication.
Remove fluid swelling in a month

Fluid swelling is a common ailment. Sometimes you may feel like you’ve accumulated a few extra pounds, but in reality, it’s about fluid swelling. Dehydration may be due to the fact that you may be eating too much salt, your kidneys are strained, there is a hormonal imbalance, or simply your body is not removing fluid properly.

Remove swelling naturally

In this article, we will introduce you to a simple and natural plan to remove excess fluid from your body that will make you feel heavy and swollen.

Find out how you can eliminate fluid swelling in a month by following these easy diet tips and using natural supplements.

Onion broth

to reverse fluid swelling with onion

The food that will benefit you the most during this month is onion, a medicinal food that has been used since ancient times as an effective diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent that heals inflamed kidneys. It has a very mild effect on the body, so it has no harmful side effects.

Drink onion broth every day. If you prepare a larger dose at once, you don’t have to do it every day.

Another great benefit of this soup is that you can make it more palatable by adding purified sea salt, which you can find in health stores as well as most supermarkets. Sea salt has no harmful sodium content and helps to remove excess fluid from the body. It is therefore a recommended alternative to normal table salt in many recipes.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 large onions
  • 1 cup sea salt

Slice the onions and cook them in water for at least half an hour. Store the broth. You can add a little lemon juice to taste if you like.

How should it be drunk?

The broth should be drunk throughout the day, but separate from meals. It is best to drink it half an hour before a meal.

Boiled onions can even be used in vegetable soup or sauce.

banish fluid swelling with onion soup

Grapefruit a day

Grapefruit is a highly cleansing citrus fruit that benefits both the kidneys and liver, so we recommend eating one grapefruit each day during this 30-day course.

The best times are either in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast or before going to bed, after dinner.

If the taste is too bitter for you, add a little cinnamon or honey.

Natural food supplements

banish fluid swelling with green tea

There are two herbs that enhance the diuretic effect: green tea and field herb.

Green Tea: Also helps the body eliminate excess fat. It has a mildly stimulating effect and has been shown to prevent cancer.

Field Card: In addition to being a diuretic, field card also helps reduce kidney inflammation and improves the condition of hair, skin and nails due to its silicon content.

Both of these can be ingested in the form of tea, but if you don’t want to drink any extra liquids in addition to onion broth, you can also take these as supplements in capsule or tablet form. Choose one for 30 days to achieve a lasting diuretic effect.

Foods that aggravate dehydration

When you follow this easy regimen, it is also important that you avoid foods that can damage your kidneys and cause more fluid to build up. The worst are:

  • Salt : you can use a little sea salt when cooking, but avoid table salt
  • Pre – cooked or fried foods
  • Canned food
  • Coffee
  • Soft drinks

Heat to the kidneys

edema and kidneys

As mentioned, the most important organ in the fight against swelling is the kidneys. Because kidney health is closely tied to energy levels, they often suffer from very cold weather and the most common symptom is lower back pain.

Whether you suffer from pain or not, a good way is to warm the middle back area a little every night. You can use a hot water bottle or heating pad for 15-30 minutes before going to bed.

Be careful with dehydration medication

We recommend that you try this natural treatment before resorting to diuretic medications that may have side effects such as hypersensitivity or nervousness. However, if you have a recipe for them and enjoy them, then you should eat plenty of foods high in potassium to prevent side effects. Such dishes include:

  • Tomatoes
  • Vegetable broths
  • Bananas

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