School Bullying Led To Suicide In Diego, 11

We should all talk to our children about school bullying, and it is equally important to help those who are bullied so that they want to go on with their lives.
School bullying led to the suicide of Diego, 11

Today, we want to tell you a sad story with a lot to ponder: School bullying led to the suicide of 11-year-old Diego in Spain. Diego ended his life on October 14, 2015 due to school bullying .

We all know what school bullying is and what this physical and / or mental bullying can do to a young person. But it’s hard for us to understand how about a young person has been able to make such a big decision. In such cases, we not only wonder at the end of a young person’s life, but we also ask ourselves whether the child’s school or other institutions have not been aware of his or her situation at all.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released a bulletin showing that nearly 600,000 young people aged 14-28 in the world commit suicide each year, and at least half of them are bullied or bullied at school.

It is a social drama that we should all be aware of so that we can try our best to save these lives.

Today we look at the case of Diego, from Madrid, who felt that death was the only way to solve the problems in his life that school bullying caused him.

School bullying and said goodbye to a dear boy

Diego's parents reminisce about their son

Diego lived his entire 11-year life in the Leganés district of Madrid. He no longer wanted to move on, he didn’t want to grow up, he just wanted to get rid of his suffering and the attacks and pressure he was experiencing at school.

So he decided to jump down from the balcony of his home on the fifth floor. Some are known to believe that suicide is a cowardly act, that people who commit suicide just don’t know how to face the difficulties that come their way. But no one really has the right to judge or criticize another person’s decision at a difficult time.

In this case, it’s still about the child, and the reality is really bleak. It’s so bleak that Diego’s parents decided to publish a farewell letter left after their son and raise the matter with the mayor of Madrid and the school board.

Diego, a hard-working student who didn’t want to go to school

Diego received good grades, he was a hard-working schoolboy and his parents were proud of him. Diego’s mother said that sometimes when she picked up Diego from school, this one asked her mother to go home in a hurry, as if to escape something or someone.

Diego seemed happy and joyful only during the summer, when he didn’t have to go to school classes in the Leganés district. The parents also mentioned that Diego went through a 4-month period of non-speaking. The doctor said it was probably due to some kind of attack or accident.

The family never understood what Diego was afraid of or what his reality at school really was. At the start of the investigations from the school, it was reported that there had never been any problems with Diego and that he had never reported to the teachers anything that had happened at the school.

It may be understandable that sometimes school resources are not sufficient to perceive school bullying, but yes, a child’s sadness and depression are noticed by everyone. Teachers, as well as other students in the school, they see, hear, but say nothing or do anything.

There is no one responsible for what happened or who could be blamed for Diego’s death, which is why his parents want to raise the issue and talk openly about the school bullying that took their son’s life as well.

Diego’s farewell letter

stop school bullying

Diego decided to write a farewell letter to his parents. He left a small message on the windowsill that read, “Look at Lucho”.

Lucho was his favorite plush toy that quietly held the last message of an 11-year-old sad boy in Diego’s room, saying goodbye to his loved ones in a very mature and emotional way. Diego was undoubtedly a very special and beloved boy.

These were his last words:

“Father, Mother, these 11 years I have spent with you have been good, and I will never forget them, and I will never forget you either.

Father, you have taught me to be a good person and you have taught me that promises will be kept. You have also played with me a lot.

Mom, you’ve taken good care of me and taken me to many different places. You are both amazing, but together you are the best parents in the world.

Tata, you have taken a lot for me as well as my father, I am very grateful to you for that and I love you. Grandpa, you’ve always been very generous to me and you’ve taken care of me. I love you.

Lolo, you have helped me many times with my homework and you have treated me well. I hope you get to see Elin.

I tell you this because I no longer want to go to school and there is no other option. I hope one day you could hate me a little less. I ask you, father and mother, not to resign, for if I see you together and happy, I too will be happy.

I will miss you and hope that one day we can see each other again in heaven. I say eternal goodbye.

Signed by Diego. Ah, one more thing, I hope Tata finds a job soon.

Diego González. ”

Diego's letter

Raising awareness

It’s impossible to read those words without moving, and surely we’re all wondering what Diego’s parents might feel and what pain they’re going through. It is therefore important that we all, in our own reality and to the best of our ability, raise our awareness of school bullying:

  • It is vital that we teach our children emotional intelligence, empathy, and respect for others and themselves.
  • We should be able to detect and report aggressive behavior and bullying at school, on the street and at home.
  • We should know and want to help victims unreservedly. It is important to be able to offer them options, strategies on how to face problems, help them raise their self-esteem, and help them rediscover their desire for life.
  • It is important to understand that bullying is not just targeted at schools, but is also practiced elsewhere, such as online on social media, which is widely practiced by children and young people today.

We know that Diego’s death was not the last, World Health Organization figures prove it to us. Nevertheless, we can hope that the figure will at least decrease year by year and that we will all do our part to curb bullying at school.






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