The Effect Of Turmeric Is Similar To Generic Drugs

The effect of turmeric is similar to that of common medicines

The benefits of turmeric are undeniable and it helps in the treatment of many different diseases. However, it should always be used with caution and should never be used as a substitute for medication prescribed by a doctor.

Hundreds of alternative medicines have been developed to treat various health problems and many of these can be purchased from a pharmacy without a prescription. Most of them are effective and also provide relief from symptoms for a longer period of time, but unfortunately their ingredients are mostly made up of chemicals that can cause disgusting side effects at higher doses or when used for a long time.

Because of this, different natural options may be well suited for the treatment of milder ailments. Certain natural ingredients have been used successfully for millennia and some find them to be as effective or more effective than the alternative offered by Western medicine.

One of these natural medicines is turmeric, a well-known spice that is often used in cooking.

Turmeric belongs to the same family as ginger and is rich in nutrients suitable for the treatment of various ailments. In this article, we will explore the great benefits of turmeric 7, which is why everyone should add it to their diet.

Turmeric regulates cholesterol

effect of turmeric

Atorvastatin is a pharmacological drug used to regulate cholesterol. High cholesterol often leads to diseases of the circulatory system and is sought to be prevented with Atorvastatin.

According to a study published in 2008 by Drugs in R&D  , the curcumin in turmeric has a similar effect to atorvastatin. In addition, the same study found that turmeric reduces inflammation and relieves the symptoms caused by type 2 diabetes.


Thousands of people receive steroid treatment every year, which is used to treat inflammation. Steroids are especially common in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and cancer.

According to a study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research , curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, works in a similar way to corticosteroids when used to treat inflammatory eye diseases.

Subsequent studies also revealed that similar benefits were obtained in the treatment of other inflammatory problems for which steroids are most often used.


effect of turmeric

Antidepressants such as Prozac and Paxil are known to be potent and can cause nasty side effects in some users. In a small percentage of users, the medications do not work at all or may worsen the symptoms.

Did you know that instead of these powerful drugs, you can try turmeric first?

Curcumin is one of the most effective antioxidants, which is a great alternative for relieving depressive symptoms. Turmeric has no harmful or serious side effects, so it is suitable for even longer-term use.

However, it is good to remember that a person who is severely depressed should not replace prescription medications with turmeric or other natural remedies. Always follow your doctor’s advice and discuss together which treatment is best for you.

Turmeric thins the blood

Patients at increased risk of heart attack or other serious circulatory problems usually take blood-thinning medication. The medication prevents the blood from clumping, which in turn ensures that no dangerous blood clots can form.

Everyone can benefit from consuming turmeric as its effect is similar to that of aspirin. Aspirin is commonly used as a blood thinner.

The active ingredients in turmeric thin the blood and prevent it from clotting.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

effect of turmeric

Diseases and ailments that cause pain and inflammation can also be treated with turmeric. Medication for long-term illnesses is not only expensive but also harmful to the body, as long-term use can reduce the effect of many drugs and increase the risk of side effects.

Studies have shown that turmeric has an anti-inflammatory effect similar to that of the following popular drugs:

  • Aspirin
  • Ibuprofen
  • Naproxen
  • Diclofenac
  • Indomethacin
  • Dexamethasone
  • Celecoxib
  • Tamoxifen


Chemotherapy is an effective but rigorous treatment for various cancers. Chemotherapy kills cancer cells, but at the same time some of the healthy cells in the body die. Chemotherapy is still the most effective way to treat cancer, but it can be supported with natural products.

Studies have shown that turmeric works like oxalplatinum used in cancer treatment. Patients undergoing cancer treatment can enhance the effect of medications and healing the body by taking turmeric daily.

It is important to remember that turmeric or other natural products should never replace traditional cancer treatments. Also, always talk to your doctor first before using natural products.

Antidiabetic drugs

effect of turmeric

Diabetics benefit greatly from adding turmeric to their diet. A  study published in the journal Biochemistry and Biophysical Research Communications showed that turmeric works up to 100,000 times more effectively than metformin in terms of glucose absorption.

Turmeric prevents excessive glucose production in the liver in much the same way as many drugs designed for the same task.

Things to remember when using turmeric

The effect of turmeric has been studied for years in clinical trials and its effectiveness has been proven. However, turmeric should never be used as a substitute for medications prescribed by your doctor and it is advisable to make sure your doctor does not adversely affect turmeric with other medications you are taking.

Turmeric usually does not cause significant side effects, so adding it to your diet is easy. However, be sure to enjoy turmeric in moderation; the recommended daily dose for an adult is 5 grams.

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