Treat Heartburn With Cabbage

Poor diet, lack of exercise, stress and other bad lifestyles such as excessive alcohol use and smoking can all lead to heartburn.
Treat heartburn with cabbage

Abdominal acidity and heartburn are annoying and painful health problems, but usually a simple change in diet quickly relieves symptoms and prevents them from recurring.

In this article, we will explore how heartburn and stomach acidity can be avoided with cabbage. This easy recipe is quick to prepare and is perfect as a side dish to many different meals.

What causes heartburn and stomach acidity?

The stomach is naturally an acidic place, as stomach acids help digest food properly and break it down effectively. However, it is possible to secrete too much stomach acid for a variety of reasons, and this can lead to burning, pain, and acid reflux.

Heartburn is an uncomfortable feeling under the sternum and can make you feel miserable, especially if it is a nuisance almost every day. In some cases, a hernia in the stomach can cause upward movement of acids in the digestive tract, sometimes up to the esophagus – this can cause discomfort, stomach acidity, pain and inflammation.

What factors increase heartburn?

  • Poor diet and poor absorption of foods.
  • Excessive consumption of sour foods: white sugar, bleached flour, fried foods, red meat, sausages, milk, sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages.
  • Hot food, large portion sizes and poorly chewed food.
  • Impairment of the digestive system and deficiency of digestive enzymes.
  • Overuse of drugs that regulate abdominal acidity and excessive intake of acidifying substances.
  • Bad habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Stress and other negative emotions.
  • Lack of exercise.
  • Living in an urban, polluting environment.
french fever and heartburn

Foods that relieve heartburn

Fortunately, heartburn can also be treated with foods. This way, you do not have to resort to medication, but you can relieve your symptoms naturally. We therefore recommend increasing your intake of certain foods, because eating right will reduce the acidity of your body.

When you eat these foods daily, your stomach will gradually return to normal pH and your stomach will not have to go through major pH changes due to the medications. At the same time, the stomach is still able to produce the required amount of acids needed to digest food. Especially prefer these ingredients:

  • Avocado
  • Cucumber
  • Asparagus
  • Millet
  • Broccoli

The stomach works best to balance the cabbage, and you can prepare a few easy meals using cabbage that restore the stomach’s natural pH balance.

cabbage and heartburn


Why cabbage?

Cabbage is an inexpensive vegetable that does good for health. In some cultures, cabbage is an almost unknown substance in the kitchen, but in certain countries it can be found in many recipes.

Cabbage prevents excessive stomach acidity by regulating stomach, liver and intestinal function. Eating cabbage removes excess acid and prevents heartburn. At the same time, cabbage protects the digestive system and mucous membranes from inflammation and irritation.

If you consume cabbage regularly, you will help your body cleanse, improve the functioning of your body’s defense system, and relieve the pain caused by rheumatism, for example.

cabbage in a saucepan

This is how you prepare the acidity-regulating treatment from cabbage

To prepare two daily doses of this medicinal supplement, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 300-400 g of cabbage
  • 2 tablespoons virgin olive oil
  • Half a lemon juice
  • A pinch of black pepper
  • A touch of cumin
  • A pinch of sea salt or Himalayan salt

This is how it is completed

We recommend preparing a meal in the morning, allowing it to stand intact for a few hours before eating.

  • Cut the cabbage into thin slices or use a food processor to slice the cabbage. However, do not mash the cabbage.
  • Pour the cabbage into a glass container.
  • Add oil, lemon, salt and spices.
  • Cover with a lid and let the cabbage season for at least two hours at room temperature before eating.

How is cabbage consumed?

  • Divide the cabbage you prepare into two servings and eat one serving with lunch, the other as a side dish for dinner.
  • Be sure to chew the cabbage well, because if you chew it carelessly, it can develop intestinal gases. Adding cumin to cabbage also reduces gas formation.
  • This medicinal food can be consumed regularly, but should not be a substitute for meals. Cabbage is suitable as a side dish, but it cannot replace the carbohydrates, proteins and fats that the body needs.
  • If you enjoy a salad with cabbage, you can add cabbage directly to the salad you make to make it more filling.
  • Many do not like the taste of cabbage, especially when the cabbage is cooked even by cooking. However, the taste of raw cabbage is vastly different: sweet, tart and delicious. Many cooked cabbages hate raw cabbage.
  • In a few days, you will notice how consuming cabbage relieves heartburn and stomach acidity. Stomach acidity decreases and by following the instructions in this article, you will prevent heartburn from recurring in the future. Avoid heartburning foods (this varies from person to person, but coffee and onions, for example, can cause heartburn) and enjoy ingredients that relieve it.

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