Trust In The Course Of Life – You Are In Control And Where You Need To Be

You have no reason to settle for what life gives. Why not be active and take responsibility for your own future?
Trust in the course of life - you are in control and where you need to be

From. Trust the course of life, because even if you don’t believe it, you’re in exactly the situation where you need to be. You have reached the perfect moment to decide for yourself and be who you want to be.

People have bad habits that are hard to fix. We are hopelessly nostalgic and obsessive about thoughts like, “ I should do it,” “I have to do this,” “People are waiting for me”. Gradually, our minds are divided into two parts: one focuses on the past and the other is obsessed with the future.

All of this can put us in a circle of anxiety and depression. In this circle, we focus so much on “should and should” type thoughts that we make room for anxiety.

Let’s learn to take power away from the past and the future. Let’s learn to live fully in the present moment, to trust the course of life and what is happening right now.

In this article, we will tell you how to do this. Trust the course of life.

Your best age is right now

To accept the present, you need to be receptive and able to appreciate what you are, what you have achieved, and everything that has yet to be achieved. None of this is possible if you are unable to accept and love yourself first.

One of the worst enemies of self-acceptance is not accepting one’s own age. For some people, this concern is reflected in different situations, which can cause problems. We are not just talking about the feeling of experiencing the need for plastic surgery, for example. We also refer to the disproportionate fear of wrinkles, body changes, and so on.

We all have the right to take care of ourselves and do our best to look good on the outside. But first you have to look good internally.

The best age is always what you have at any given time. Accept what you’ve been through and know that the best opportunities come to you all the time.

Learn to walk in the flow of life: it is a process of life

trust the course of life: women braid each other

The concept of flow , defined by psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihály in 1975 , is not always properly understood. It is not about drifting with the flow and seeing life as a dynamic whole that never ceases and of which we are a part. It’s a deeper and more interesting thing than this.

Flow is about:

  • Certain clear goals in life.
  • The ability to take on and enjoy a particular task or responsibility .
  • The ability to learn from one’s mistakes to become a true expert.
  • The routine is dangerous, so it is necessary to make small changes and new things every day so that the flow process should always be enriched.

The past is past; only it matters who you are now

Gone does not define you. What defines you is how you interpret the past.

Here’s an example: Your boyfriend left you three years ago, and you were cheated again a year ago. The last thing you should say to yourself is “I don’t deserve love”. A mature, courageous person who can properly interpret his past would say to himself, “I have to choose my relationship more carefully”.

It is very important that your past is your effort board, a way to learn to be a better person. Yesterday is no couch on which you can sit and mourn everything you go through.

woman and spirit

Learn to trust

Martin Seligman was an advocate for positive psychology in 1990. He thought it was time to focus on studying human behavior in terms of well-being and giving people the tools to be happy.

One part of this was to understand and summarize trauma, depression, and grief. These were ideal moments for people to learn certain steps on the path to promoting personal growth.

One of these strategies is to learn to trust yourself and that good things may appear at any moment. It’s not about “wishing” and being passive and letting the flag of the days go by until luck finally knocks on the door. You have to be an active person to set your own change processes in motion.

Stay away from people who bring problems. Stop the habits that discourage you. Make the change your life needs.

trust the course of life, trust the music

All in all, understand that even if you go through difficult times, coping with them is within your reach. Trust the course of life!

Today is the best time to try. Right now is a great moment to start thinking more boldly and positively, leading to a new feeling. This feeling will help you change and adopt a new attitude.

Give it a try! The results may surprise you.

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