Vegan, Light Hummus From Chickpeas

A light hummus dip made from chickpeas is an excellent alternative for vegans. Hummus is easy to make and also contains a lot of fiber that is important for the body, which in turn enhances digestive function and prevents constipation.
Vegan, light hummus from chickpeas

This delicious, healthy and low-calorie recipe is also suitable for you who don’t particularly care about cooking, as it is simple to follow. In addition to vitamins and other nutrients that are important to the body, hummus from chickpeas helps to remove excess fat from the body and prevents constipation. 

Vegan, light chickpeas: a balanced diet for the body

This delicious but light hummus from chickpeas is designed for those on a vegan diet, as the proteins, vitamins, calcium and iron contained in chickpeas are all important nutrients that should be taken care of by those who avoid animal products in particular. 

These nutrients mentioned above are an essential part of maintaining the vital functions of the body. Therefore, it is precisely those who do not consume products from the animal kingdom at all who need to look for effective substitutes to ensure an adequate intake of these important nutrients. Chickpeas are one of the best vegan options in this case.

The absence of meat, eggs and dairy products from a vegan diet can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, many cancers and obesity in particular, but a balanced and healthy diet can also achieve the same results.

In a poorly designed and unbalanced vegan diet, a lack of animal products can, in the worst case, cause serious damage to the body. Fortunately, however, a number of different options can be found for a vegan diet to help replace the proteins, iron, and other important vitamins provided by animal products. 

Before starting any new diet or diet, you should first talk to your doctor, as replacing one source of nutrients with another will affect the functioning of each body individually and in varying ways.

In a vegan diet, for example, in order to avoid a lack of protein and vitamins from meat and dairy products, the daily rations should increase the amount of cereals and whole grains in particular; in addition, dark leafy vegetables and dried fruits should be enjoyed even more. In this sense, for example, cabbage, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes and other vitamin C-rich citrus fruits are all excellent choices for a vegan diet. 

Legumes are an excellent source of nutrients for vegans

Chickpeas are an excellent alternative to meat products in a vegan diet, as they are rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium and iron, which in turn support the proper functioning of the body.

Hummus made from chickpeas is a great recipe that is suitable not only for vegans but also for anyone who cares for a healthy and balanced diet, as chickpeas help us stay healthy and healthy.  Next, we’ll share with you three interesting recipes that will help you bring a whole new kind of taste experience to traditional hummus.

Light, vegan hummus recipes

Chickpeas are an excellent source of iron, calcium and protein

Light hummus with sesame seeds


  • 400 g of raw chickpeas
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 leek
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 carrot
  • 20 g roasted sesame seeds
  • 2 large lemons
  • 1 teaspoon fresh or dried oregano
  • 4 cloves of garlic peeled
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 200 ml of water

  Preparation instructions

  • Soak the chickpeas in brine for at least 8 hours (preferably overnight).
  • Once the chickpeas are properly licked, then add them to the pan along with the bay leaves, tomato and peeled leek and carrot. Cook over medium heat until ingredients are desired softness. Remove the kettle from the stove and strain the water.
  • Then add all the cooked ingredients to the blender.
  • Also add a teaspoon of oregano, roasted sesame seeds, squeezed lemon juice and chopped garlic cloves to the blender. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Start the Blender and slowly add water to the mixture until a smooth paste is obtained from the ingredients; the structure of the finished hummus should resemble the structure of cream cheese. 
  • Store the hummus in a glass jar (or other container with a lid) and cover it thoroughly. Finally, cool the hummus in the refrigerator until served.
  • This recipe is served as a cold dip with bread or vegetables, for example.

Light hummus with cumin


  • 1 jar of pre – cooked chickpeas or 200 g of raw chickpeas
  • 2 cloves of garlic peeled
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • Water
  • Salt to taste

 Preparation instructions

  • First of all, clean the chickpeas thoroughly with plenty of water to remove any preservatives used in the package (in case you have decided to use pre-cooked chickpeas in the recipe). If the chickpeas are raw, prepare them according to the instructions in the first recipe.
  • Then add the chickpeas and a drop of water to the blender (you can also alternatively use a stick blender).
  • Add the finely chopped garlic, salt and two teaspoons of ground cumin to the chickpeas.
  • Stir the mixture until the end result is a uniformly smooth paste.
  • Store the finished hummus in a covered lid and refrigerate until served.
  • You can garnish the hummus at the end before serving with a small drop of olive oil.

Light hummus recipe with sesame seeds and paprika powder

Hummus decorated with paprika powder is a delicious combination


  • 1 jar of pre – cooked chickpeas or 200 g of raw chickpeas 
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Pepper powder for decoration
  • 1 lemon juice
  • A drop of olive oil
  • Roasted sesame seeds to taste
  • A pinch of salt
  • A touch of pepper

Preparation instructions

  • If you use raw chickpeas in the recipe, prepare them according to the first recipe above.
  • Then add the finished chickpeas to the blender along with the chopped garlic cloves, lemon juice and olive oil. Mix the ingredients until the end result is a uniformly creamy paste.
  • Then add the freshly roasted sesame seeds. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Now mix the hummus thoroughly by hand and decorate the surface with paprika powder.
  • Serve fresh hummus with, for example, crackers or toast. You can also use hummus in many ways as a side dish to main meals.

In all of the above recipes, you can try salad leaves, roasted eggplant, celery, zucchini, or carrots, for example, to give hummus an extra flavor and dimension. Hummus is ideal for dipping Arabic pita bread, crackers and toast, for example. Try it today!

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